CHAPTER 14: After a month, DARE

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Lisa's PoV

It's been a month. Within that month, Jennie and I never stop on bickering.

Sometimes, Kai's with us. He's showing his affection to Jennie which the latter feels. She's somewhat comfortable with him, I can feel it.

Seulgi and Irene are getting stronger as the time pass by. Jisoo and Rosè are now officially on a relationship. Jisoo courted Chaeng for half a month then they got official just last week. While Jeongyeon and Nayeon, Jeongyeon is courting Nayeon which just started the day before yesterday.

While me? After Me and Kai beat each other, I became more silent, to the point that they thought that I have a loads if problems, but no. I'm totally fine.

Somi.. Somi and I didn't meet up again after our paths crossed. I'm thankful with it. I might disrespect her and her daughter if ever. I know her.. She'll push whatever she wanted to pursue. I even changed my number so she can't message me anymore.

"Aww, Lisa the loner. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" So basically, we're here at the bar to celebrate Jisoo and Rosè's official relationship.

I rolled my eyes and it lands on Jennie with Kai. Kai is still pushing himself to our group because of Jennie. And Jennie keep entertaining the guy. Psh. I avert my gaze when she looked at me.

I took off my vape and started to puff the thick smoke. I bought another one when this Heightless kitten threw the vape to me. I am somewhat addicted on it for I don't know reason.

"Yah! Let's start a game." Jeongyeon evily said.

"Yoo Jeongyeon, what demonic things are you thinking again?" Nayeon rolled her eyes. Jennie and Nayeon are really friends. They're both a bad bitch.

"Chill! It's just spin the bottle, but it was all a dare." Jeongyeon grinned. Jisoo frowned.

"You'll be the cause of our break up, Jeongyeon, so no way. You'll just dare as to do some sexual things to the girls." Jisoo rolled her eyes and drink her tequilla before she rested her chin on Chaeng's shoulder. Tsh.

"Nayeon might not answer a 'yes' on you.." Irene said to Jeongyeon.

"But.. I'm in!" Kai spoke that made them squeal in excitement. Of course, this dare will be intense. Psh.

"I'm also in!" Seulgi raised her hand. Irene slapped Seulgi's chest but she also joined. Nayeon joined so Jisoo and Rosè was left no choice but to also join.

Now, it's just me and Jennie.

"Fine.." Jennie sighed and drink her tequilla. Deym, they were now looking at me.

I drank a glass full of whiskey and puff a think smoke on my vape, not minding them.

They didn't take away their eyes on me for a long time that made me furrowed my brows. Damn all of them.

"Why?" I asked and puff another thick smoke.

"What do you mean by why? You'll join us, right—?" Jeongyeon pointed the empty bottle of beer.

"No." I said and drink a beer. Many kinds of alcohol is now blending on my intestine. This is why I hate Jeongyeon for suggesting some things.

"Kill joy.." Kai muttered. I just look at him and puff my vape.

"C'mon!" Jisoo walk through me and shake my body. I shove her hands and just scroll on my phone.

"Don't force her. It's better that she's not in the game." Jennie rolled her eyes and I gave her my dagger look. What the hell is her fucking problem again?

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