CHAPTER 76: Shooting stars

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Lisa's PoV
Saturday. No classes. Gladly. Or Jennie can't walk. She cried last night like fuck. She enjoyed so much that she requested another round, and another one and another one again. 4 rounds in the whole damn night.

My fingers are so numb! I had the hard time thrusting because of her damn tight walls..

I released mine with just seeing my loving sight. Fuck, we had a great time!

Yes, we drifted off to sleep at first as I though we're done, but her kiss on my collarbone awaken my hormones and me.

That's the time I never felt tired.

And she's now sleeping like an innocent one. Her head resting in my chest. Her bare body.

I felt a little guilty as I didn't remove my clothes last night. Don't worry, next time, I will. Yeet!

She's so fuckin' tired, I know. I think we slept at 4:00AM? Hell, yeah. We're that horny.

I fixed her hair and also the duvet that is wrapped around her damn hot-like-fire body.

My phone lit up and I opened it.

A message from BamBam

[Noona, we stayed at the mansion. I think we'll be staying here until tomorrow, we missed Dad. Mom flew to Thailand for some business matters.

We just heard some weird horny sounds last nught so we decided to leave both of you for a while. Have a great fuck ahead, Noona! We'll take care, Love ya!]

Recieved, 12:44PM, SATURDAY.

What a dork. I replied with that emoji.

"Your mistress?" Jennie hugged me more.

"It's Bam." I answered.

Mistress my ass. Jennie is enough. I won't ever dare to replace her. Jennie is my permanent world.

"My thing down there is hurt." She told, voice husky.

My poor Baby mandu is hurt.

I feel bad :(

"Do you want me to bring you some pain meds?" I held her waist and caressed it.

"Yes, please? I want yogurt too." She's like a pregnant woman who wants something.

Soon she will be.

"I think I have yogurts on my fridge. I'll get some and you'll drink the pain reliever. I have some on my kit." I got up of the bed.

"Pain meds for what? For those sluts you are bringing home?" She smirked with her eyes closed.

She's jealous? Or what?

"Pain meds because I am dancing. For body cramps, hon'." I giggled.

"Sure you do. Tss.. I want my yogurts now." She opened her eyes.

I ran to my kitchen and grabbed the last 3 yogurts I have in my  fridge. I grabbed some water too before gettin back to our room.

"Here's your yogurt." I kissed er fluffy cheeks.

"Thank youu~" she carefully sat up. I helped.

She digs in the yogurt.

And me? I was staring at her as if I'm on a museum. She's gorgeous. Damn gorgeous.

It feels like a dream. Jennie and I. We are in a relationship.

"Do I look like an Aphrodite to you? Stop staring at me, I'm melting." She gave me a spoonful of yogurt and I gladly accept.

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