CHAPTER 73: Mine

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Lisa's PoV
She left me frustrated. What the hell.. is she serious? She's staying here? Oh my god.

Anyways.. she left me dumbfounded. Grabbing my favorite white hoodie that is so big for her. I wore my usual attire with a coat because I love this style.

A cute mandu. Heightless.

Heightless? There's no such word in dictionary or anywhere. I just made it because Jennie is not a similar girl. She's Jennie Rubyjane Kim... Manoban. Duh?

"C'mon, hon'! Morning classes are nearly done." Jennie pulled me out of my open-closet.

She keeps talking in our way out but I remained silent. I swear, I will kiss her even here. I'm damn turned on and she teased me like, what the fuck? I didn't even expected that she's a seducer! She looks so, so, so innocent. But look on what she did.

Anyways, I don't care of sex. It's just that, I can't help myself to be turned on. I can't resist her body. She's such a perfect package for me.

"Hey, hon'. You have a tongue to talk." She slapped my arms while driving. I snapped out.

"You left me dumbfounded, hon'. Are you serious? You'll stay with me the whole night?" I'd asked. Bitch, I am thrilling.

"I'll tell Dad." She gave an indirect answer.

I nodded. I don't have a problem with it. If we'll end up making love, then be with it. If we'll end up talking the whole damn night, that's a great thing. I don't want sex, I want Jennie. Everyone does, even you but sad to say, she's mine. Only mine. Bleh 👅

"I'll drive my car home later." She said.

"I'll tail you." I answered. Kai might follow. Nye😛

She nodded and we reached the school.

It's lunch time.

We saw our friends on the parking lot, with their phones.

"Geez, finally!" Jisoo punched the car bumper.

I went out and opened Jennie's door.

"Hi!" Jennie smiled to everyone.

"Had a great fuck? Jeongyeon jokes.

"Fuck you." Lisa glared.

"Nah, we just changed our clothes. The rain soaked us." Jennie answered.

"Psh.. such a dickhead, Jeongyeon." Nayeon rolled her eyes

"I wish I do have a dick, duh?" Jeongyeon also does rolled her eyes. We all laughed.

I'm glad they are my friends. They helped me through my ups and downs. They're like my sisters that is sort of my brothers, and then their girlfriends which like our strict moms.

I remember the Janitor with the 6th sense.. Do y'all remember her too? KSKSKSKSKSKSK! Seulgi planned it. It was all an act.

She told it to me and I ride on them.

They told me to put an act, like, I am avoiding her and so on. Look, it worked!

"You're such a great actress, Lisa. What a successful plan!" Chaeyoung clapped.

Everything is a plan. Except the thing happened with Kai and the Kiss that night. The kiss that night is out of the plan. I felt ashamed but.. yeah. I loved it. I enjoyed it.

"Plan?" Jennie asked.

"Oum, ask Seulgi. She's the mastermind." Nayeon laughed.

"Uh.. yeah? Lisa is really about to pursuade, court or anything somethingnlike that. But.. I told her to act. Nyehehe.." Seulgi giggled.

"And the Janitor? Seulgi talked to her to say that... If you'll be mad, I'am out of this. I warned them but, Seulgi is an dumbass. She made Lisa do it." Jisoo wtapoed her arms around Chaeyoung's waist

"Well.. I'm proud that Lisa have an dumbass yet supportive friends. If you didn't do that, maybe I'm still there, playing stupid." Jennie answered.

"Nah, let's go inside. Lunch time is nearly yo end. We haven't eat yet." I held Jennie's both shoulders from the back and gently pushing her to walk.

My smile can't be removed.

"Wow, LiSmile is back." Somi punched my arm. She's quiet earlier.

LiSmile. Lisa plus Smile. Hehe.

"LiSmile? What the fuck!" Jennie cracked.

"Lisa + smile, duh?" Somi clings on Jennie's arm.

"Wow, as if Somi is not hurt." Irene said.

"We are besties now, Irene. And.. Luca's buddy!" Somi jumped.

"Psh.. Luca's calling me 'eomma'." Jennie tried to tease.

"So what? That's so cool! Everyone of you can be her eom--."

"No fuckin' way, Somi." The others uytered in unity. I laughed on them.

It's nice to have this kind os friends.


Kai's PoV
I hid a bat from the baseball room.

I walked to Lisa's car after they went in the school.

"You. You thief! You steal everything I want!!" I shouted and fully forced smashed her car.

"Jennis is mine!" I shouted again and smashed the windshield.

I continuosly smashed her car. I don't care if there's a surveillance camera here.

I am amd damn mad.

This is Somi's fault! She shouldn't have let Lisa know it! Such a weak!

Her car is now completely smashed.

"This is just my start, Lisa. Jennie will be mine. Only mine." I uttered and threw the bat inside the car.

Mark on my words.



I love Nature Photography <3 one of my collection

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I love Nature Photography <3 one of my collection

I recommend Caliraya Lumban, Laguna for nature tripping.

Should I print this??😲

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