CHAPTER 22: I hate you Destiny

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Jeongyeon's PoV

After we bid our goodbyes to our girls, we drove off. Lisa is the first who drove off, getting bitter. Hehe..

My phone rang..

Chou Tzuyu Calling..



["Jeongyeon-ah! I miss youuu!"]

"Yeah, Me too."

["Can you fetch us on the airport?"]

"Huh? Why?"

["Sana and I will be living there for good! Isn't that exciting?"]

"Ah jinjja?! When?"

["Tomorrow afternoon, 6:30PM"]

"Yeah, sure! Finally, you'll go home.."

["Yeah. So.. my girlfriend is calling me now. Bye! See you tomorrow!"]


Tzuyu is my cousin, while Sana is her girfriend. They're on Japan for business and I'm glad that they'll finally go home after 4 years.

I'm sure that my friends will be glad too since they are really close to Tzuyu. They didn't know Sana yet because Tzuyu met her in Japan, she's Korean-Japanese so, yeah. It wouldn't be hard to communicate.


I'm driving to Lisa's unit. I mean, WE are driving to Lisa's unit because we'll talk about her feelings to Jennie. I knew it! She'll be liking Jennie. Despite of Jennie's bitchy attitude, there is this soft in cute side of hers. Did you see how cute she is when she pouted on Lisa just to beg to not tell it to Dean? If I don't love Nayeon, maybe I'll like her but of course, Nayeon took my heart. Yii~

About Dean..

I don't know what happened to Lisa's mind for deciding to not tell it to Dean, about Kai and Jennie. We understand Dean for protecting Jennie to Kai. What we don't understand is, why is Jennie acting like that despite of her Dad's order to stay away from Kai? Is she somewhat liking Kai? Aww.. Poor Lisa.

And oh, That giant. She's too terrified on loving again. She's been traumatized on Somi. I do understand her. Imagine, she's living peacefully, happy and inloved. All she have to do is to study for her future—their future, but Somi did a craziness. We know that Somi have been pregnant by other man. As far as we know, Lisa and Somi have been talked about having a family and doing the IVF process but we know that Lisa never rush things as she know that they still need to finish their studies. All Somi's evidences were fake, we don't know where did she got that shits. We miss the old Lisa we know. The thoughtful one. Her wonderful smile that everyone adores. Her jerk side.

Before, Making out is a must for Lisa. Until she met Somi, then she changed and became a good partner. But when Somi did her crazy things and got pregnant, old Lisa came back and became more worst. She became a snob, cold and disrespectful one. She even learnt how to use a vape? Her jerk side came again. All we have to do is to sigh.

I sighed..

We reached Lisa's condominium building and rode a elevator. This will be a long ride since Lisa's unit is in 78th floor.

"You think Lisa will succeed on distancing her feelings towards Jennie?" Jisoo suddenly asked.

"We don't know. We can't tell it tho. You know, we can't dictate love." Seulgi said and shrugged her shoulders.

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