CHAPTER 47: deep debate answer

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Their class is on going.. they had this debate while waiting for their next teacher..

Somi is on the class already. On silent because of the awkward moments last night on the hospital.

"Okay! Next dilemma.. this is quite easy.." Jisoo said after hearing Seulgi's dilemma suggestion. They're planning something about their friends, Jennie and Lisa.

"A girl have a suitor.. the suitor is damn in love with her. She doesn't know that someone is also in love with her." Jisoo stopped and looked at Jennie who raised her brow. Lisa shockingly look at Jisoo with a deadly sign but pikachu is looking at the bitch mandu.

"The girl's suitor is a guy, while the other one who's in love with her is the same gender as hers. In short, she's a bisexual." Jisoo look at Lisa. Lisa glared But Jisoo is restraining her laugh. Somi on the back is Looking at JenLisa and then glaring on Jennie

"The girl give more attention to her suitor. What should the Bisexual do? Express her feelings to the one she love? Or.. forget her feelings and move on?" Jeongyeon and Seulgi acted up behind Jisoo when she's talking about those possible answers to mock Lisa.

"What the hell is this.." Lisa silently mumbled..

"Seulgi will pick the opponents.." Jisoo said. Seulgi smirked while Rosè, Irene and Nayeon are laughing on the back of Lisa's seat.

Jennie is staring at Lisa and feeling something about the question.

"For the 'Forget and move on', let's hear Jennie—." Seulgi was cutted by Jennie

"Why me? I don't want to join this nonsense." Jennie rolled her eyes

"C'mon, Jennie, don't be Kill Joy.." Momo said and laugh.

"Tss." Jennie rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

Lisa looked down as she smell something fishy. Her friends are planning something again. Somi noticed it and sighed. She confirmed it, Lisa have feelings to Jennie.

"For the 'express your feelings', let's hear Lisa—."

Lisa stood up and get her bag.

"I'm hungry.." she said and about to leave the room when Rosè pulled her down to her seat.

"Another Kill Joy." She mocked and massaged Lisa's shoulder. She got back to seat.

Lisa glared at her friends and gritted her teeth. She looked away.

"Okay.. Lisa should answer first.." Nayeon said.

"No.. nothing." Lisa said and looked away.

Jennie is staring at Lisa..

She answered first and look to Jisoo

"The bisexual one should forget her feelings and move on.. she will just feel the pain seeing the girl and her suitor being on a relationship. There's other girls who she can love." Jennie sighed. Somi look at Jennie and agreed.

Lisa look at Jennie and raised a brow. She crossed her arms and legs before leaning her back to the backrest of her chair.

"The bisexual should express her feelings to the one she love. It's more painful to see the one you love, with another guy." Lisa looked at Jisoo. "As what you said, The bisexual is more in love to the girl than the suitor. He maybe serenading, give flowers, gifts and such— but what if all he want is sex? Then those gifts and serenades are nonsense." Lisa continued, lowkey basing the topic in real life. Well, it's really in real life.

"A person can change by love—."

"But he doesn't love the girl." Lisa cuts Jennie. They all got silent, yes the room. Feeling the tension.

Jennie stood up.

"He is.. he's in love with the girl. It's just that, the bisexual is more in love. Your getting out of the topic, Ms. Manoban. The bisexual should forget and move on. Or she can do self love. It's easy to move on—."

"It's easy to say that moving on is easy but when you are there already, it's harder than everyone thinks, especially when you really loved the person. So the bisexual should express her feelings." Lisa cuts Jennie and also stood up.

Everybody on the room look at Somi on the back except Jennie and Lisa who's looking at each other's eyes.

Somi looked down.

"Why? To feel the pain again? It's still the same. If the bisexual got rejected, she will feel the pain. She will also move on. So wether it's easy or hard on moving on, it's still the same. So she should forget on move on." Jennie intelligently said.

Lisa felt the pain. But managed to answer.

"People isn't loyal. Even someone have a suitor, but the suitor isn't around and another person can make you feel more happy, what do you think will happen? It's possible that you can fall to the other person. Just like the dilemma. If the suitor is not around the girl, and the bisexual can fulfill the emptiness of the girl, more than the suitor did, it's possible that the girl can fall for the bisexual. So it's important to express your feelings. It's risky, yes. You can be rejected. But at least, the girl knew that the bisexual have feelings for her.. Regrets comes at last. If you don't express your feelings to the person you love, you might regret it and can't do anything but to endure the pain. Moving on is hard. You will remember the memories but you have to force yourself to forget it.

It's better to risk than to regret." Lisa said while looking deep into the Kitten's eyes. Everyone left in gawk even her dork friends who started it. Somi felt aver word Lisa have said that's why she got out of the room and go to the back of their building.

"I think we should stop this already.. h-haha." Irene awkwardly laughed and slapped Seulgi's arm.


MY MOCHUL HEART IS BROKEN!💔After Jihyo and Daniel, it's Momo and Heechul?! Andwae! They are breaking my heart continuously 😭

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After Jihyo and Daniel, it's Momo and Heechul?! Andwae! They are breaking my heart continuously 😭

Will miss MoChul moments..

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