CHAPTER 58: Unexpected Comeback

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They went inside their room. No one uttered a word. Lisa is so silent and avoiding Jennie.

"Lis.." Jennie called but the professor came inside.

"Geez!" Jennie groaned.

The others can't look on Lisa. Scared.

"Good morning class." Ms. Park greeted. Everyone greeted back except Lisa.

"Uh, good Morning, Ms. Manoban?" The professor noticed.

"Good morning, Miss. I'm sorry, Ma'am. I was spacing out." Lisa apologized.

"Lis.." Jennie called again when Lisa sat.

"Let's talk later—." Lisa stopped when they heard a knock on a door.

"Good morning, Ms. Park. Sorry, I'm late."

"Kim Jong-in?" The Professor was surprised
Lisa's PoV
I never talked. Nayeon, Chaeyoung and Irene did told Jennie. I can't blame them. They are right. I'm ready to tell Jennie how I feel, I just can't do it because I'm afraid.

And now, the threat has come again. Kai is here, wearing his uniform. I felt giving up.

"Hi, Jen!" Kai waved on Jennie. I look on  Jennie, she was smiling and waved back on Kai. She's happy. While I feel so threatened.

It's like, I went on a war without any weapon.

Kai was brave about his feelings to Jennie, while me? I am a coward.

"Lisa." Seulgi tapped my shoulder and I sighed. I ignored them.

My day is ruined.

"Your one month absence exception isn't over yet. How's your mother?" Ms. Park ask.

"She got discharged last night and she told me to attend the class. I hired a caregiver for her." Kai explained. He then look at me. I look away.

He sat on his seat.

"Lisa, let's talk later, please?" Jennie whispered.

"I have plans later. Besides, your suitor is here already, talk to him instead." I faced her and whispered.

"I'm glad to hear that. I pray for her full recovery."

"Thank you, Ms. Park." The dog thanked.

"Let's proceed on our topic." The professor started writing on the board.

I never listened. I played on my pen while restraining the pain on my head. It's getting worser.

I want to leave this room. Drive my car until I ran out of gas. Chill by myself and puff a thick smoke from my vape.

I feel sad. I am weak. I am coward. Easy to give up.

Am I giving up? Should I give up?

Kai is there, to make her happy. She's happy with him. I want her to be happy.

My friends' words came into my head.

"I want you for my sister" says Taehyung

"Change not just for Jennie, but for yourself too." says Jisoo.

It's okay. My friends are there.

Today, I figured out that I'm just pretending to be fine.

I am worst.

"Ms. Manoban! I've been calling you a lot of times!" The professor yelled.

I sighed and stood up. My eyes landed on Kai and his group who's restraining their laughs. The dog then gave me his annoying smirk. I scoffed.

I grabbed my bag. "I'm not feeling well." I plainly answered and dash out of the room.

Everything is spinning. I'm so dizzy.

I almost stumble.

"Lame." I heard Kai.

"Mr. Kim." The professor scolded.

"Lisa.. hey, you okay?" Chaeyoung on my side worriedly asked.

I dash out of the room, ignoring them.

"Lisa!" I heard Jennie. I fastened my pace.

"Lisa! Hey!"

What a life.

I reached the end of the hallway and Jennie successfully reached me.

"Lisa." She was panting.

"Jennie, please. Ignore me. Ignore what I feel for you. Be happy with Kai. I'll move on." I said. I won't cry in front of her. This will be the second time, crying because of a girl.

"Lisa, I'm really sorry. If.. if you're being like this because of me, please." She gave me her softest reaction, held my hand.

"Jen!" Kai came.

"Go now. Your future boyfriend is fetching you." I smiled. A smile that looks like a real one. I'm a great pretender. Lisa the great pretender.


"Jennie, Let's go? Ms. Park is calling you. Let her leave." Kai said, sarcastically.

Yes. Let me leave.

I need to breathe and think..

Think if I still should get you or let you go.


Pain? I'm sorry. Part of the plot. 😐

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