CHAPTER 90: The start of the end 1

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Jennie's PoV
Lisa is smiling all the time as she see her team mates laughing and passinv their trophy.

She's happy.

"She might melt." Chaeyoung shouldered me. I laughed.

I guess, I'm staring at her for so long? I don't know. I admire her beauty.

"Chaeyoung-ah!" Jisoo came.

I put my attention on them.

Jisoo puts out a small box, more likely a jewelry box.


"What is this?" Chaeng asked. I had an idea.

You know what I mean.. we're sharing thoughts.

"Open it." Jisoo asked.

"Unromantic. Proposing on this place? Psh, cheap." Lisa mocked, leaning her head to my shoulder.

Earlier, she gave me her gold medal and certificate. I mean, for her solo category. I was wearing it until now. It's so sweet for me.

I would prefer this to give you than expensive jewelries. More likely to see my hard-work, right? You.. you are my Champion. Thank you for the insparation, I love you.

Those words she spat. OMG, it's giving me butterflies on my stomach!

Nah, I just remembered because we are talking about jewelries. I am actually wearing it until now..

"Proposing? W-who?" Jisoo looks around.

"Omo.. It's so cute! Thank you~." We puts our eyes on Chaeyoung holding a necklace with a chipmunk pendant.

"The heck is that?" Jisoo peeked on the necklace.

"Jeongyeon and I were roaming around earluer and we saw a booth, making those necklace. I found that pendant so I bought it. I thought that Chaeng would love it." Jisoo shrugged her shoulders. "Jeongyeon did something. That's why she bought one for Nayeon as well. That one's a bunny. This punk did something again, for sure." She rolled her eyes on Jeong.

"Psh.. This asshole just intended to flirt. Like, what the fuck? In front of me? Seriously?" Nayeon still accepted the necklace.

I'm glad that Lisa never do something like that. She proves that I am just her only girl even though sometimes, I'm teasing her about having a mistress which is making her sulky.

"Manoban, your fans are looking for you! Gosh!" Coach Kiel came, removing some hands from his arms.

"Omfg! Lisaaa!! Can we take a picture, please?" One girl asked, squealing.

I raised a brow.

"A hug as well!"

Uh... okay? Who the fuck? Where the fuck did they come from?

"Lisa, they were beagging since earlier like.. damn.. my ears are exploding!" Coach Kiel shook his head.

I look on Lisa and she was looking at me.

"Why?" I asked.

"Uh.." she sighed.

The girls are still squealing, holding their phones.

"We came from the other school, but.. We're a fan since the first competition! And.. We are awared that this is Lisa's last year on MNBN.." they pouted.

Uhm? They are more likely to seduce. Not to take pic.

"Wow.. I wonder how large is Lisa's fanbase." Jeongyeon spoke.

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