CHAPTER 15: Drunk

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Jennie's PoV
I stared at Kai with a mouth agape. Am I hearing it right? He's asking if he can court me? I'm afraid that I'm just his another toy.

I swallowed a lump.

"I know you are hesitant because you know that I'm a jerk." He sighed. Is he drunk already?

"A-are you drunk?" I asked. Maybe he's just drunk.

He giggled. "A but tipsy but I know what I am doing." Then he held my hand. My chest is pounding fast.

"Jennie, I really do like you. This is not a game.. Actually, this is the first time that I will court a girl." He said.

I stared at him, with a messy mind. Should I let him? Maybe, he's changing already. But, I'm still afraid that he'll just play.

"It's okay if you don't want." He sighed and let go of my hand.

"Ah, n-no. Sure.. sure.." what the heck are you thinking, Jennie? Well, I already said it. It's a shame if I'll take it back. And.. maybe I can help him if he's really changing. Besides, he got the type of a guy that I was looking—except being jerk, of course. Who would find a jerk guy? None, right?

"W-what do you mean by 'sure'?" He asked, restraining his smile.

That made me smile. It's cute.

"You can court me." I said. Out of excitment, he hugged me. I laughed.

Then, he pulled out.

"Ah, I'm sorry. I'm just happy.. and, sorry for kissing you earlier." He scratched his nape. I tapped his shoulder.

At least, he's honest with his feelings.

We walked back to our table. Kai is smiling ear to ear while, me? I'm thinking if I'll regret it or not. It was my first relationship, if ever.  I wish I shouldn't.

"What's with that smile? You look like an idiot." Jeongyeon said. Nayeon hit her arms. They really suits each other. A cute couple indeed.

Kai look at me and I also did. He looked at Lisa and smirked on the tall girl who's puffing her device.

"I asked Jennie if I can court her and she said 'yes'." He said. I sat on the couch, beside this annoying tall girl because Jisoo is now lying down on our seat.

All of them didn't give a damn. They just bobbed their heads.

"C'mon, guys. Aren't you happy for us? Especially me. I'm changing..for real." Kai laughed. We just giggled and I looked at Lisa who's staring at me blankly. I avert my gaze.

Why do am I feeling that she's jealous? I don't know if it's just me or she's really jealous.. I don't care though..

"Oum.. I prefer JenLisa that JenKai.." Jisoo said drunkly. What?

JenLisa? JenKai?

"I heard my fucking name again.." Lisa mumbled and puffed her vape.

When will she quit using that shit?

Why the hell do I care though?

"WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Jeongyeon and Seulgi laughed histerically while Nayeon, Chaeyoung and Irene are giggling. There is something we don't know.

"Jen—what?" Kai asked. They just laughed. I just shook my head and we just continue drinking for about 2 hours

After drinking for almost 4 hours, we decided to go home. It's already 1AM and this dorks are so drunk!
Kai, Jisoo, Seulgi and Jeongyeon are drunk as hell. Well, Lisa? I can say that she's already drunk because she's walking like a zombie and shaking her head, but not not like these 4 who's literally knocked down. She's even still drinking.

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