CHAPTER 30: Mommy's Secret.

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Lisa's PoV
It's been a while since I visit Daegu. And still, I was with Somi. The girl I loved but hurted me. Funny right? Well, Maybe this will help me to avert my attention to Jennie. I must admit, I do have feelings for her. But of course, she's already happy with Kai. Hoping that jerk won't do something stupid. I'm afraid to get into a relationship again. So, yeah...

"Appa, can we have a ice cream later?" Luca suddenly asked.

"You want that?" I asked and she nod. I can't feel anything towards this kid. I'm so sure she isn't mine. Seriously, I'll still own her like a real daughter if her Mom didn't lie. I'm not that cold hearted back then. But she's too late. Sorry not sorry.

I'll treat her like my own daughter but still, I need to know her jerk father so I can blow his fucking face. He ruined us.


Maybe, this is the right time to ask Luca. Maybe she know something.

"Ah, Luca.." I called and gulped. Hoping that she know something about her real father. Kids never lie, right?

I look around the house if Somi or her parents are around. Luckily, they're still on the kitchen.

"Appa?" Luca uttered while playing my ID.

"Uhm.. Did your Mommy told you something?" I asked. Hoping that this two years old girl know something and will tell the truth.

"Like what?" She asked and found my phone on the pocket inside my coat.

"Woah! Mommy also have this. Daebak.. Can I play with it?" Luca bluttered. I opened it and look at her.

"Like.. Other guys?" I asked. I think I asked it wrong. She couldn't understand it.

"Huh?" She asked and smiled on the camera and took a selfie. Cute tho..

"I-I mean.. uhm.. Did you have a real Daddy when I was away?" I asked. Shoot! I don't know what to ask!

"When you are away, Mommy is just here and we're playing. I didn't have any so called 'Daddy' but she's always showing me your pictures and telling some stories about you. That's why I got to know you.." she explained and tapped the calculator.

"Numbers! One, two, three.." She counted. I put her on my lap.

"Did she told you some stories like, she did something wrong?" I'm really desperate to know so I can breath freely.

"Something wrong? None. She's telling me how sweet you are. But I can't see it now.." Luca pouted.

It was because if your Mom, Luca.

Luca. Cute name.

"Ah... Do Mommy have a secret?" I asked straightforwardly.

"I don't know? You'll always visit me here?" She asked, not connected to the topic. Is she that innocent? Or she's hiding her Mom's stupidity?

"If you wanted to. Or you can visit me instead." I said and smiled. I'm fond of kids that's why they can see my genuine smile. Woah.. I smiled.

"Really?! Okay! You finally smiled." She said in amusement. I shift my expression into a blank one that made the kid laugh.

"About Mommy.. why are you asking like that? Are you doubting her? You're jealous?" I almost choked. Me? Jealous? Never.. Not unless it was Jennie and Kai. Oh come on.. at least, I'm damn honest. Duh?

"We'll talk about it in the ice cream shop." I whispered as I saw Somi and her mom walking towards us.

"Aww.. you two look cute.." Somi's mom complimented. I bowed. Did she know something too? I mean Luca's father. Maybe she know something about that.

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