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A quite long chapter..


Jennie's PoV
It's been a month since we started living in this mansion. It was fully done the week after Lisa bring me here.

It's pretty huge! And guess what? Everyone is here for our wedding day! YES! TODAY!

Lisa is on the guess room while I'm on our bedroom. She's with the dorks while I'm with my girls, finishing our makeups by the stylists.

Our parents are on the other guess room, also finishing their makeups.

I just sighed when I remember that Lisa is still distant to her father. I'm just quite sad.

"I hope no one will get lost on this goddamn mansion. It's a freaking maze!" Nayeon, who's on her phone suddenly spoke.

This house is really huge, it's like a modern royal house! Like.. what the fuck? How does Lisa handled this?

"Lisa wants all the best for her girl." Somi spoke.

Yes! Somi is here! My bestie!! Loren is with Lisa. Luca is with us as well! She's asleep with her gown.

"Mommy~" Luca whimpers.

Aigoo.. this cute little kid just woke up.

"Hello!" I waved my hands as she stood up yawning.

"Eomma! You're beautiful! My Mommy too! And my Aunties!" She spins her body slowly, looking on our faces.

What if Lisa and I could have a cute one, like Luca? Omg, I can't wait!!

Luca is still calling me Eomma. Lisa as Buddy. And our friends as her aunties. She's also calling Loren as her Daddy. She's such a sweet child. But you know? As times goes by, some part of her face are like Kai's.

She knows about Kai as well..


"Oh god!" I jolted up when Seulgi suddenly dash in the room.

"The hell, Kang Seulgi!" Irene groaned, looking at Seulgi in the mirror.

"Nothing I just missed you.. Wow! Such a gorgeous ladies! Hi there, Mrs. Manoban!" She waves at me. I waved back.

The stylist is putting some lipstick on me that's why I can't speak. Finally she's done.

"How's Lisa?" I'd asked.

I wonder how she is today? She couldn't sleep last night, excited. She even woke up really early, this morning!

"She's done. And uhm.. that bitch is hysterical." Seulgi dropped her ass on our bed, as if it's hers..

I laughed really hard.

"Language, Seulgi. Luca is listening!" Somi glares at Seulgi.

"Lucaaaaaaaaa!" She then hugged the kid.

She's on suit. Like the picture that Lisa sent last month. She's really looking good.

"And you know? She was like.. 'What if Jennie runs away?'... 'What if Jennie realizes that doesn't really love me?'.. 'What if Jennie is not yet ready?'... Guess what happens next?" Seulgi stood up, removing the coat of her suit.

I continued laughing. I know Lisa would feel it.

"She received a really hard smack on her head from the great Kim Jisoo!" She claps like a kid.

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