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Jennie's PoV

At first, my heart starts pounding fast because of nervousness. Now, I'm completely confused! Like what the fuck?

START from bickering?

"Pardon?" I asked. What the damn hell.

"I-I mean, can we STOP from bickering? I'm sorry." She releases a deep breath. I noticed her tight grip on her steering wheel. Is she nervous? Well, me too. I dunno why.

Seriously, START or STOP? What the fuck.

"Tss. You seems so nervous." I look away. What am I still doing here? Oh yeah, she have to tell something.

"No... uh, We're friends already, right?" She asked.

"Yeah? Wait a minute.. seriously, what is this all about?" I confusingly asked. This is nonsense.

"Nothing. Just wanna make sure that we're friends already. I'm so tired fighting with you." She looked away. I scoffed. Wow. It looks like it's me who's starting our fights. Wow!

"Psh. You done—?" She cutted me.

"We'll not bicker anymore. And.. About Kai's absence for one month.." she said. I raised a brow.

"What?" I asked.

"Uh, Nothing. Get out of my car now." She said and tapped her wheel. I glared at her and got out of her car. I kicked her door before I walked inside our house.

She's weird
Lisa's PoV
She kicked my door before she get inside her grandparent's house. What the hell?

Instead of getting annoyed, I smiled and laughed.

"Kai will be out of our lives for one month, bitch! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" I never been this happy since I came back! Jennie Kim did this to me.

I rotate my wheel to go back in Seoul. I'm smiling, ear to ear.

I stopped on a gasoline station and while waiting to the gasoline boy, I called one of my friends.

["What? You just ruined our date, Lalisa Manoban!"] Jeongyeon groaned.

"Where are you?" I asked, not related on what she said.

["I told you, I'm with my girlfriend. We're on the restaurant."] Jeongyeon

"Any agenda after that?"

["I'll drop Nayeon on their house. Why?"]

"Let's meet then."

["Tell me Why first. If we'll go to the club, I'll not go. I don't want to have a trouble with Nayeon. You hear me—?"]

"Bitch, I'll wait you on your house. Bye!"

["Hey! Hey! Lis—!"]

Call ended..

I laughed. I'm damn excited!

After a few minutes, I'm done refueling. So I drove back to Seoul and waited at Jeongyeon's house.

Her parents and I talked while waiting for her.

Never come back, Kai. Jebal HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Calm down, Lisa. Lol
Kai's PoV
It's sad that I will not see Jennie for a month. My Mom needs to be on the hospital for a month for her treatment. No one will be with her if I go to school. For sure, they will understand. I already told it to Jennie and it's okay for her.

Will she miss me? Of course! I'm her soon-to-be-Boyfriend! Tss.

"Son, Are you sure you'll stay here? How about you studies?" Mom asked.

"I can cope up, Mom. Don't worry." I smiled. She also did.

"I already messaged Dad and Jennie about my absence."


"Uncle, I mean." I sighed.

She nods and sighed.

A nurse came. She checked my mom.

I felt the nurse taking a glimpse on me so I look at her.



My ex..


I just remembered the reader I encountered. He/She told me that my story is boring, not understanding that Lisa is trying to avoid Jennie in this story. Lol. So y'all.. JENLISA IS COMING!

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