CHAPTER 78: Monday's blood

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Lisa's PoV
Monday. I had my car parked on Jennie's gate while I'm inside their house, in the living room, specifically.

Her Mom.. or should I say, OUR Mom gave me an ginseng. I don't really live the taste of it but.. It's Jennie's Mom. I can't refuse.

"Why don't you go to her room instead? You're here for almost 30 minutes already. She's talking time.." Dean went out from their kitchen. I stood up and bowed.

I'm glad that Jennie's parents are easy to be with. They're kind and open for same sex relationship.

"I gotta go now. See you on school, Lisa. Take care of mg princess." He tapped my bangs with his forefinger before leaving.

Uhm... really, I don't let anyone touch my bangs.. as in, anyone.


I can't complain!

"Go upstairs now, Lisa." Her Mom pushed me to the staircase and I laughed

Bare with me, oh Lord. I might do something naughty again. Very naughty-- no. COMPLETELY NAUGHTY.

No... control your hormones, Lisa. Whatever you will see inside her room. Whatever you will see on her body. God, please help me..

And then Jennie's Mom just opened the door and left.

I peeked inside.

I sighed in relief when I saw her sitting on her vanity table and putting some stuffs on her face.

"Hon'!!" She squealed. Such a baby. I smiled at her.

"Can I?" I asked permission to come in

Dya-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na~ 'cause we don't need permission to..

"Come in, Hon'!" She told me. And opened her arms, asking for a hug. I gave in.

Seesh! BTS' song is coming to my head.


I hugged her from her back, she's still sitting on her vanity table.

"Miss me?" I'd asked her and smiled. Her gummy smiled answered me.

"So much! Do I look good?" She asked me and continued doing what she is doing.

Seriously, she's damn gorgeous with or without makeup. I prefer her bare face.

"Damn gorgeous, hon'." I told. I gave her a smooch on her cheeks while she's putting on her lipstick.

I look on her on the mirror.

How do God made this creature? They say, Eve and Adam ate the poisonous apple and began to do sins and made us... Is the one and only Jennie Kim, still a sin? I think she's an exception. She's too gorgeous to be a sin.

She's also my Aphrodite. I bet you all know who is Aphrodite? My Aphrodite is Jennie.

Jennie is associated with Love, Beauty, Pleasure, Passion and Procreation. I'm sure Jennie will procreate our future children with a great genes.

"Hon'! Yah, you're spacing out." She snaps me out. Am I fantasizing on her beauty?

"Blame your beauty." I stood up and checked her bag. "Are your things complete already? I'll put it on the car." I said and closed the bag.

She stood up and faced me, smiling.

"You look so damn obsessed, Hon'." She mocked. And I giggled. She also know?

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