CHAPTER 89: Mess

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All schools are done performing. Time to hear the winners.

Groups are getting awarded. Lisa just won the Solo category, which is predictable. Duh? Who can beat Lisa Manoban? No one.

3rd, goes to this school

And 2nd to this school.

"WHO DO YOU THINK WILL WIN?" Heechul made it intenseful.



The majorities of the crowd..

"The group that I will call will be our 1st placer while the uncalled group will be our SEASON'S CHAMPIONS!!"

Lisa and her team is so calm as 51% of the shouts or for them and 49% is for the opponent.

"Congrats in advance, guys!" Ryujin joked the team.

Everyone cracked up.

Laughters had been stopped when the MC called

Lisa's PoV



"Congratulations to the winner!" He left the stage.


"The hell?!"

"Hon'?" Jennie hugged me.

I feel so ashamed. I don't know! I BOAST MYSELF TO MUCH AND WE ENDED UP LIKE THIS!!

"I'm so sorry, guys.. I.. I was so affected about Kai. I... I'm sorry." I shook my head gritting my teeth.

"Well..." the opponents came.

"As what we have expected, losers." He added.

"So.. this girl's mine?" He looks on Jennie that made no more pissed.

I prepared for an attack but they held me.

This goddamn guy is getting into my nerve!

He waved the thropy in my face, smirking.

Maybe I've been so affected to Kai's presence.

"Shoot! This shit is so glossy! Look at that, oh?" He Boast the trophy in face.

I can't calm myself. I'm shaking. My sweats are dripping. I'm panting heavily.

I felt Jennie's tight clench in my arm.

I want to punch him. Seriously.

"Hey, hey my champions. Come here." Kai came.

"Hi, Jen. How are you, babe? Let's date somewhere?" He added, looking at Jennie.

Frowning, I lose my control, trying to shove those hands on my arms.

"Lisa, calm down.. please.." Jisoo groaned.

"Fuck you!" I groaned on Kai's face.

"Oh? Sorry, I would only love to fuck that girl beside you." Kai spoke again.

I had the chance to attack them to attack them when the music stops with Heechul's voice.

"EVERYONE! EVERYONE! GEEZ! I'M SO SORRY! HAHA!" He stops on the center of the stage.

I stopped also.

"Everyone! I made a mistake, I'm so sorry for the inconvenience.."

I didn't avert my gaze to Kai and this punk in front of me who're disappointed.

"Oh my gosh." I heard Seulgi.

Oh bitch! Here we are, bitch!!

"I just got excited to announce that... MNBN University had a back-to-back win!! MNBN University is our SEASON'S CHAMPION!" We heard Kim Heechul.

I smirked. I felt my team and Jennie release their hands on me, they screamed while I remained looking at this assholes infront of me. The punk, holding OUR trophy.

I snatched the trophy gently and then pushed them.

Kai remained on my face.

"Theif." He said.

"Murderer." I answered and raised the troohy on his face.

"This? You don't deserve this. Everything I havs? You don't deserve it. Jennie? You don't deserve her!" I passed by him.

I pulled Jennie with me who heard out short conversation.


"Are you okay, hon'?" She asked me. She was silent as I talk with them.

"Completely.. how about you?" I'd asked, giving Ryujin on my side, the trophy.

"Yeah... I love you, congratulations~." She gave me a peck.

All my madness earlier, disappeared.

We made it!

She gave me another peck and then in the end, a passionate kiss in the middle of everyone.

My home.

I felt relief

I felt love.

Love is our knight, 24/365.

Kai will never win against me.

Love is my weapon and shield. Jennie is my special colleague.

You know what I mean.

I love her.


Potaena lunes pala ngayon😭 nalimutan ko!! Nawa'y gising pa kayo HAHAHAHAHAHAH!

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