CHAPTER 48: Water battle

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It's snack time. Class 1A is still gossiping about Lisa's answer earlier. While Somi called her cousin Jungkook and they are talking.

Lisa and her friends are now walking to the cafeteria. Girls are giving a 'hi' to the tops. Nayeon, Chaeyoung and Irene are glaring to the girls who're greeting their girlfriends.

Lisa and Jennie are beside each other, walking awkwardly.

Somi popped out of nowhere and approached Lisa like nothing happened earlier.

"Hey, Lisa. Can I join you?" She asked like nothing happened earlier.

Lisa look at her friends who're walking continuously to the cafeteria and to Jennie who stopped. Jennie bowed to Somi before smiling awkwardly.

Today's really awkward.

Jennie thought.

"I-I'll go now, Lisa. Somi." Jennie stuttered and about to leave when Lisa spoke.

"Jennie, wait." She said so Jennie stopped. Lisa gaze on Somi and nodded.

"Really? Thank you!" Somi's smile can reach her eyes.

They walked to the cafeteria with awkwardness since Lisa is between the two girls. Her ex and the girl she like.
Somi's PoV
After I called Jungkook, we talked. About Lisa.

"Kookie.. What now?" I asked stomping my feet.

"If you will act like that, they will think that you are guilty." He said.

"I am guilty, kook.. I fucking am." I groaned. Yeah.

"Then act normally, Somi." He said. He look at his watch. "I should go now, Jimin and Namjoon are waiting for me.. Act normal, Somi." Jungkook patted my and left.

Maybe he is right. I should act up because there is a possibility to lose my Lisa if I will stay like this. No. I don't want to lose her.

I took a deep breath and released it slowly. I walked to reach the pathway and saw Lisa and her friends walking to the cafeteria.  Jennie and Lisa are walking together.

Seriously? She still have the guts?! She made Lisa remember the past that probably made her sad.

I glared at Jennie and walked through them..

"Hey, Lisa. Can I join you?"
Lisa's PoV
My friends let Jennie sit beside me. Seulgi and Jeongyeon are ordering our foods.

Everyone is chitchatting. Somi in my other side is silent and I didn't mind her. I need to focus on Jennie.  I know she's hurt earlier because I felt her dash out of the room. I don't care. She deserve the pain.

"Uh.. Lisa.." Jennie called and I automatically smiled at her.

"Hmm?" I hummed. She swallowed a lump. She is so cute. Damn beautiful at the same time..

"I'm sorry for earlier." She said.

"Earlier?" I asked, playing along.

"Uh.. you know.. uhm.. about the debate earlier." I knew it. I'm hurt earlier but it's okay. I understand. And later, I will torture Jisoo, Seulgi and a Jeongyeon.

"Ah.. that's nothing.. you had a good answer earlier tho." I said and smiled again. I know Somi is looking at us now. And I don't care. We're done, since I knew she cheated on me.

"Y-Yeah? You too." She awkwardly smiled. Our friends began silently squealing in front of us.

"Ehem! The food's here!" I didn't notice Jeongyeon on my side, holding a tray. I punched her stomach a little that made her flinch. I glared at her and focused on Jennie.

We all get our orders, even Somi who's silent.

I started eating my ramen when..

"NOONAAAAAAA!!!" BamBam loudly shouted from the entrance. He's with Nichkun.

I choked on my food and searched for the water. Unfortunately, there's none!! They all laughed. Jennie has the loudest laugh!

"Noona!" Nichkun hugged from the back, tightening my neck. Geez! They're killing me. I tapped his arms a lot of time until he realized.

"What's happening to you?" Nichkun asked. Seriously?

"Waiter.." Somi raised her hand and called a waiter. I saw my two brothers now looking at her blankly. Somi look at them and smiled a bit. My brothers bowed with a blank face.

"Water please.." She said to the waiter. Oh god, I need to cut this tension. I held Nichkun's shoulder and look to BamBam.  They sighed.

It's so awkward now.

The waters arrived. My brothers sat beside Jisoo.



Into my shock..

Jennie and Somi offered their opened water bottles. They look at each other

"Ooh.. I'm on Jennie.."

"Me too."

"What is this?" My friends began to whisper to each other, cringing.

"A-Ah.." Somi startled. I look at the two girls. They're still holding the bottles. I gulped.

I look to my friends and to my brothers, they're signaling Jennie.

Jennie get back her hand and look away. She drank it herself. I look to Somi and she have me a big smile. What are you smiling at?

I sighed and grabbed the bottle to drink. After that I didn't even dare to look at her.

That's the fucking chance! Jennie have her bottle to me! What the hell..

Are you competing, Somi? Please stop..


I'm on sick. 🤒 Acid reflux and I'm getting so exposed of radiation because of my phone and having a lack of sleep. It all started when I do my school works 96 hours straight without sleeping. Yeah, that's 4 days.

So if you are feeling something strange on your body or there's an aching part, better consult a doctor. Have a perfect sleep and don't skip meals. Don't stress yourself to much and limit you use of gadgets..

Lesson learned 😭

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