CHAPTER 84: Songs [18+]

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WARNING: Mature content ahead. Read at your own risk!


Lisa's PoV
I intentionally did that for her to experience the god damn frustration. However, the punishment is not yet done. There's so much to expect, baby.

"I can sense her frowning face, Noona." Nichkun spoke, eating ramyeon. Our dinner for tonight is Ramyeon but I made Rappoki for Jennie.

"Tss." I scoffed.

"How's your wound, Noona?" BamBam asked. He's a bit strange tonight.

"Fine.. Maybe the day after tomorrow, I can get rid of this shoulder brace." I told and he nodded.

I look at him as the silence began to trace.

"Kai Hyung showed up on me." He spoke.

My blood boiled again.

The fuck?! He have the fucking guts!

"Are you okay? Did he hit you?" I asked.

"He was saying shits..Like.. What's ours is supposed to be for him. And Jennie Noona." He stretched his arms.

His always saying that..

What's ours is supposed to be hims. The fuck?

"He's always saying that. Don't mind him. If ever he show up again, don't ever hesitate to blow a jab on him." I told.

"Surely. He's annoying! A bastard." Nichkun scoffed.

"Hon'!!!" There comes my sweetie calling me..

"Go! We'll wear headphone and play loud music so we won't hear anything." Nichkun joked.

"Silly.." I chuckled and I left our dining area.

I enteted the room and she's on the computer.

"I'm done.." she stretched her arms.

"Okay then.. I'll review you." I smirked.

She's frowning. I love it.

I sat on the other revolving chair beside her, stretching my body, practically seducing her.

"The fuck? Stop it, hon'. I thought you'll review--."

"Yes, of course... turn off the pc and look at me. Keep the notes. Answer base on what you are feeling right." I told. I whistled and think of an question.

"Damn." She scoffed. She moved her chair forward to me.

"Hmm?" I giggled. "First, What is to consider in busines??" I asked, resting my head on my arms, revealing my bare stomach.

She was looking on it.

"Everything... Even single details." She asnwered in low tone.

Oh? She really did study! Great.. --,

"Fundametals of Accounting, Business and Management?" I sat like a guy, leaning my face forward to her.

"Accounting performs the specific task of collecting, processing and communicating financial information." She stood up, answering.

I also did.

I can't hold it anymore. It's getting more fun.

"Lastly, the definite steps in communicating financial informations?" I grabbed her waist then gently pushing her to the wall.

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