CHAPTER 83: Punishment

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Medyo binitin ko kayo do'n mwehehe.

I actually did it purposely hehe

Jennie's PoV

You can tell me that I am posessed right now.

I really hate how that nurse look on Lisa. I sensed her lust like, fuck! I want to take out her eye balls!!

And it drove my crazy.

Lisa have this hobby that making me fall in ny own trap.

Like at first, I fell on my own god damn trap.

"C'mon, they're waiting for us." I ignored her punishment. PURPOSELY.

I stood up and buttoned up. I'm still pissed. I stretched my neck then gave Lisa her shoulder brace.

"That's no use, hon'. I'm fine--."

"Fine my ass. Wear it or I will strangle you by that? You choose, Manoban." I threw her shoulder brace on her face.

Yes, I will leave her sexually frustrated. I wish I could.

I know how turned on she is.

Sorry for her,  I don't do sex at school. 😌

"The hell.. You're driving me to through hell, Jennie!" She grabbed my hand and pushed me to the door.

She's sweating a lot. The Aircon is seriously turned off.

I fought with her deep glances, near to be a death glare.

"Chill out, hon'. The meal is reserved for dinner." I laughed on her, resting my head to the door.

I started to hum, teasing.

"I will wholeheartedly accept my punishment, Mrs. President." I rode in on her jam.

I felt loving to tease her like this. Her reaction is priceless.

I played my lips by bitting them, surely, seducing her.

"Damn.." she cursed, panting.

I pulled her nape and kissed her again. That's my thing, teasing her.

"The meal is reserved for dinner, huh?" I told, between the kiss.

She left me another mark on my neck before she finally gave up.

I can't imagine myself, making love inside the school proper. No way.


"Is it done? Let me see, the gauze is--."

"It's neatly done. We gotta go now." Jennie cuts the nurse who's waiting at the bench in front of the clinic.

They started to walk.

Jennie is on a pissed bitch face while Lisa is frowning as if she lost on a bid.

"Oh my gosh! What happened to Lisa? Does her wound--?!"

"She's fine." Jennie just passed by them.

"Sorry for that. I'm fine, don't worry." Lisa bowed to the girls.

"Manoban!" Jennie called. Lisa waved the girls goodbye and followed Jennie.

"One more, Lisa. I swear.." Jennie groaned.

"Tss." Lisa lead their way, seriously frustrated.

"Fuck?" Jennie scoffed and followed the dork.

She walked, chinning up. Flexing the red marks on her neck and collarbone..

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