CHAPTER 25: Back [18]

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Let me try a little smut👌

Third Person's PoV
Kai dropped Jennie on Dean's office before he happily walked to the parking lot to go home when he saw Jennie's friends, Jeongyeon and Nayeon was a little far from the others distance. And he witnessed how the two hugged each other and gave each other a peck on the lips.

"Gays. Aren't they disgusted?" He murmured with a disgusted face. He shook his head and someone called him.

"Kai." A girl called. Kai look back and his eyes went bulged.

"Somi? What the fuck are you doing here?!" He groaned and look around to check if someone sees them, especially Lisa and her friends. He dragged Somi inside his car.

"What the hell are you thinking?! What if Lisa see you, approaching me, huh?" He said angrily.

"I would just like to inform you that I'll study here again." She bravely said.

"What? How about your daughter?" He asked and furrowed.

"My daughter will be on Daegu with my parents. I just want to tell it to you but I didn't expect that Lisa will be here." She explained and look at Kai.

"Tss. Why would you tell me?" Kai asked and started the engine. He drove his car far to Lisa's group so no one can see that he's with Somi.

"So if I approach Lisa and you're with the girl you are courting, you won't be shock and become obvious to them." She answered.

"You still have the guts to show yourself to Uncle M, huh?" Kai mocked and smirked, not even connected to what Somi said.

"I can feel that he doesn't want to accept me on the school but he have no choice because I'm a student." Somi said and laughed.

"That's awkward." Kai said and shook her head.

"When will you start then? And what makes you go study again?" Kai.

"Next week. And Honestly, I don't want to study again, but seeing Lisa with many other girls except her friends makes me want to study again." Somi answered and have a retouch on her face.

"So, you're looking after her?" Kai asked. He turned the wheel left to drive Somi on her apartment, then he'll go home.

"Where are we going? Drive me to Lisa's condo building. I bought a unit there. And ugh, yeah. I was looking after her since we met." Somi. Kai is shocked and amazed at the same time.

"You're still into her, huh? Gays." He said and drive to Lisa's condo.

"No matter what you say or what they say, I don't care. Because no one of you can't stop me and my heart to love a person, even we have the same gender, we are used to your hate comments about being— so called, 'gays', becasue world is full of discrimination." She explained. Kai smirked and they remain quiet until he drop Somi on the said building.

On the other hand,

Lisa is on the bar, alone, drinking. Thinking about Jennie again. Her friends are somewhere, celebrating for 2yeon.

"How can I even avert my feelings if she's always around me?"

She asked herself.

She puff her vape and drink the beer.
Lisa's PoV
My friends are somewhere. They were celebrating for Jeongyeon and Nayeon. I was supposed to be with them but I told them that I'm not feeling well and will be going home then we can celebrate again tomorrow. But here I am, lurking myself on beers and my vape alone.

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