CHAPTER 80: Blame your beauty

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Kai's PoV
I will be back, Lisa. I'll be back..

This is not about Jennie anymore. You stepped on me. Your family stepped on me!

Let's see how can you handle the truths.

Jennie's PoV
After some hours, Lisa finally went out the Operating room and was sent to her private suite room.

Mr. M and our friends came together and we'd talked about what happened. Kai is guilty and he's getting punished.

I don't know but.. shouldn't be Kai on jail? He attempted murder! However, I didn't bother to ask. He's a parent, he knows what he is doing.

Now.. I can't calm down. Lisa is here for an hour now and yet, she's still unconscious. I don't know what to do.

Should I slap her face?

Should I fucking hit her wound to wake up?

I don't know. I want her conscious!

We've been waiting. They're still here, on their phones, waiting for Lisa.

Her wound is not that deep. An false diagnosis was happened earlier.

There is a so small cut on Lisa's shoulder muscle. After this, having a numb shoulder will occur on her. Not just temporary.

I never imagine Kai would do this. Is this because of me?

I couldn't calm down. I just... Walk back and forth around Lisa's bed.

"Jennie, calm down your tits. C'mon." I heard Nayeon.

I stoped and sat on Lisa's feet, head's down and playing with my finger.

"I  know what you are thinking, Jennie... It's not your fault. You should blame your beauty." He tries to lighten up the mood.

And then I giggled.

"Lisa said the same thing earlier, sir. Blame your beauty."  I pouted and looked on Lisa then back, head's down.

My clothes are soaked with Lisa's blood, as well as my hands.

"The hell, you look like a zombie, Jen. Seriously. Why don't you change first?" Chaeng looks away on me. She's scared of it.

"Chaeng's right, Jen. Let's go. I'll drive you." Seulgi offered.

"How about Lisa? She might look for me." I pouted.

"What the hell... Jennie, Lisa is scared of zombies either. She might pass out again if she see you. You're full with her blood." Jisoo rolled her eyes. Mr. M giggled on the side.

"Okay.." I said on my sad tone a d look up on Lisa. She's just like sleeping.

Well, she's just really sleeping but.. yeah. She look adorable. Adorable even she has a cut on her cheek.

By just looking on Lisa in her state?? I won't ever forgive Kai. He's gone crazy.

Seulgi and I drove back to the school. I'll get changed in there because the hospital is just near to our school than our house or Lisa's condo.

I learned to bring extra clothes because of Lisa. It's so important. As what've Lisa told me, 'just bring a jogger pants, sweat pants or anything pants for your bottom attire.' I have one.

Seulgi went to our room to get our bags while I'm changing my clothes on the Lady's room.

I washed my face, arms and anything with blood, before wearing my clothes. Oversized shirt flows down to my body, remembering me how Lisa wear this outfits for her dance practice. I sighed.

The Dance competion is next month, can Lisa make it to perform? She's the ace.

Anyways.. I finished myself and went out the lady's room, waiting for Seulgi to come back. I use my phone and chatted the others, asking about Lisa.

I am damn worried. Like what the fuck..

And then a sudden pin on the wall droos my phone.

"Hi there, babe." It's Kai.

My blood went up to my head. I want punch him! I want to stab him, like what he have done to  Lisa! But I can't. My fucking arms are up, Kai is holding it.

"Get off me, Kai. I'll go back to--."

"Back to Lisa? Lisa must be lucky to taste your body, eh?" He looked down to my body.

Now, I'm scared. I wish Lisa could be here.

He looks uo on me with hus lustful eyes.

I was weak, I can't get off my hands, he's too strong.

"I wonder how you tastes like?" He leans forward her face and I look away.

I ended up restraining my tears, I have to be strong.

Not all the time, there is someone to help. I should learn how to defend myself.

I stomped mg feet and shouted, shoving him away. It never helped.

He just swiftly come to my neck and then I remembered Lisa.

She loves my neck and it motivated me to kick Kai's dick and she back away.

"This.." I firmly pointed my neck while he's holding his dick, wincing in pain. "Is just for Lisa.  I'm just for Lisa. Now, if you excuse me. I'll go back to my girlfriend.. Never talk to me once again. I won't ever forgive you for what you did." I walked, wiping the tears I restrained earlier.

"I don't regret what I've done, Jennie. She deserves it." I stoped when he spoke.

I look back on him and he's walking away.

I'm mad. Damn mad. I want to stab him 100 times what he did to Lisa. He's a criminal.

And there's Seulgi who came with all of our bags. They forgot it also earlier.

I knew Kai was expelled and Jisoo, Seulgi and Jeongyeon was a week suspended. It'll be just Irene, Nayeon and Chaeyoung who'll go to class.

I want to stay with Lisa. I want to take care of her.

"Let's go?" She asked.

I think she didn't notice Kai sinve Kai turned Right.

I nods on her.

We came back to the Hospital and Lisa is now conscious.

"Hon'!" My mood lightens up when I saw her awake, talking to her father

With all due respect to Mr. M but.. I'm damn worried about my girlfriend.

"She's so stressed since earlier, Lisa. She's waiting for you to wake up." Mr. M smiled.

With her right arm, she opened it and I ran to hug her.

A tight hug.

That happened to touch her wound.

"Oh god.. Fuck!" She winced.

I pulled out.


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