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Somi's PoV
When Kai dropped me on the building, I changed my clothes on my unit first, before I go the reception area for the duplicate key of Lisa's unit. Luckily, they gave it to me. Of course, I introduce myself as Lisa's girlfriend.

There are many new things here. It really changed alot. new things, black walls, dim lights, dark things and vape juice scent. I'm not used to this but, yeah.

I saw some things of Bambam and Nichkun. Are they also living here? Well, maybe. I heard that they were studying on their University too.

I sat on the couch. Even the couches are new. Everything is new—even Lisa. Haays! I messed up big time.

I waited 30 minutes, sitting on the couch and scrolling on my phone, when I heard some noises outside.

"Oh? Did you just left the door unlocked, Nichkun?! Geez! Noona will kill us if—" They came inside in a haste and shocked when saw me.

"—some of our things went.. missing." His voice became low. I stood up and smiled. They smiled back, awkwardly.

"How'd you get in?" Bambam asked seriosuly. They dropped their bags on the other side of couch.

"I got the duplicate key on the reception—." I wasn't able to finish my words, when Nichkun spoke that made me shock.

"Why are you here? You should leave." He said, rudely. I stuttered.

"I'll wait for your Noona—"

"For what? To hurt her feelings again? Just leave." He cutted. Bambam kicked him.

"A-ah.. y-yeah. Maybe I'll just visit n-next time. Tell her that my unit is on the 45th floor, 4529." I said and left.

Ugh! I waited for nothing!
Seulgi's PoV
Jeongyeon is literally happy. And also us. So, here we are, on Jeongyeon's house, celebrating. Lisa isn't with us because she's bot feeling well, she said. We're her for almost 2 hours, drinking, laughing and clinging. Jennie is on her Dad, her ankle isn't good yet. We called Lisa to check but it's noisy there and she told that she's busy.

"Uh, guys.. I think we should move to the bar, there's no more wine or any alcohol on the fridge." Jeongyeon said. We all agreed. We want to drink some beers, but only few drinks because we're with our girlfriends and will drive.

We drive to the bar.

"Babe, is that Lisa's car?" Irene pointed the black sports car. And yeah, that's Lisa's car..

"I thought, she's not feeling well?" Irene asked again.

"I don't know either." I shrugged. We exit on our cars and the others have the same thoughts about the car. So, to find out, we entered the bar and asked.

"Excuse me.. Is Lisa Manoban here?" Jisoo asked. They already know us.

"Uhm.. yeah. She's here. She's on the VIP, alone." She said. I noticed a guy looking at Irene while smirking. Oh, god. I don't want to punch someone. I wrapped my arms on Irene's shoulder and glared at the guy.

"Thanks.." jisoo thanked and we walk.

"Look after your girls. Pervert eyes are around." I warned. They did what I said.

We walked to the said VIP room. We don't know that Lisa is making out with the girl because of the loud sound banging in to our ears.

We opened the door. "Bitch, I though you're—." Jeongyeon didn't finish her words and our eyes went bulged. We instantly covered our girls' eyes.

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