CHAPTER 97: It will take time

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"This two deserves a cathedral for their wedding!" Their celebration with their parents started.

All of them are complete.

"So.. when will it be?" Lisa's Mom asked.

"we haven't talk about the date yet.. actually, I wasn't suppose to propose yesterday but she made me feel like we already planned our future. So I just completed the list." Lisa asnwered.

They are eating on the dining table. Mr. M is so quiet because Lisa is still ignoring him.

"I predict these two will be married first, before us. Lisa seems to be on a haste!" Seulgi told. Everyone laughed as they agree.

"Marco, what are your thoughts? Your daughter is getting married." Seulgi's father spoke. Everyone look on him.

"I'll just go get the liquors." Lisa excused herself.

"I'll help you." Jennie and Lisa walked to the kitchen.

Lisa's father feels so awkward.. Imagine, while everyone is getting excited, he is just hoping for his daughter's forgiveness.

"I'm excited of course! I know she will be so happy and so as everyone." Mr. M just said and became silent again.

It hurts so much to feel that your daughter is ignoring you. It's the most worst than breakups.

"We all know what are you feeling. Don't worry, Lisa's not like a person who will hide grudge for a long time." Jisoo's father told.

"It will take time, uncle. We talked to her, about that but.. she's really stiff." Chaeyoung told.

The man nodded and smiled a bit

"Thank you, everyone. I know it's hard for her to forgive me. I made a big mistake and I understand." He thanked.

Everyone started to eat again.

On the other hand, Jennie and Lisa are on the kitchen fridge, getting the champagnes, wines and brandies.

Jennie almost slipped because of the shiny floor. Gladly, Lisa was able to hold her back so fast.

"Are you okay?" Lisa worriedly asked.

"Yeah. The floor is really clean, huh?" She chuckled. Lisa chuckled as well.

While Lisa is getting the liquors, Jennie is staring at her. Lisa felt it and asked.

"Why? You want something?" Lisa asked, facing Jennie.

"Yes." Jennie answered lowering down her head.

Lisa lifts up her head and caressed the latter's dumpling cheeks.

"Tell me what is it, hon'. I'll go get it." She told.

Jennie sighed.

"Hon', Can you see how down is your Dad?" Jennie asked.

Jennie is trying to get Mr. M and Lisa back again.

Everyone knows that Lisa is ignoring her father which they understand. If Lisa wasn't in the verge of death, she will not know that Kai is her brother.

Lisa's smile dropped, as well as her hand in Jennie's cheeks.

"That's nothing compared to what I have experienced. I almost die on that cliff and he did nothing, and he messed up our family." Lisa scratched her brow.

"Can't you forgive him? Hon', he's trying his best. Your mom told me that he's crying at night, barely talk and seems inattentive at work. He's so affected." Jennie held Lisa's hand while the latter is just silent.

"I'm just so upset that he let me endure competing with Kai, without even knowing that he is my brother. And that night? What did he shout? 'Lisa, Don't kill your brother!'. While at first? Kai was about to push me on that cliff!" Lisa groaned in straight, tears eyed.

"I felt like he doesn't care about me! How could I forgive him?" Lisa lower down her head sniffing.

Jennie became silent as she realized and remembers that night.


Jennie's PoV
I was speechless, remembering that night.

Lisa was right.

I, now, understand. Her grudge is deep.

I hugged her, placing her head on my shoulder. I felt her hot tears on my shoulder.

I barely see Lisa cry. That's why this is making me weak.

She looks up to her father so much. He's Lisa's role model, idol.

"Please don't cry, hon'. Okay, I understand now. But.. he's your father after all. Both of you are hurting, Hon'. I know it'll take time, and I know you will forgive him." I grabbed her face and wiped her tears.

I know he misses her father, but her grudge is controlling her.

We came back to the dining area, bringing the liquors in our hands.

"You took time. A miracle happened?" Jisoo smirked.

"Lisa's eyes literally said no. She received some words, eh?" Jeongyeon's mother smiled.

I smiled back and then looked on Lisa. She glanced on her father and looks away after getting caught.

Haaayss, this baby🥺

No matter what her decision is, I'm on her side.

That's love. Support each other and you will grow stronger.


*wedding bells


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