CHAPTER 52: Somi is jealous

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The group decided to go shopping together instead, before having a drink.

Jennie and Lisa are getting aling now. Like, Jennie is laughing while Lisa us giggling, talking to some stuff and a heartbeat skipping slaps of Jennie that can mark her hand on the skin.

It was fun. Their friends notice it too.

While the two are having a once in a blue moon good terms, their friends told Lisa's feelings to V without Lisa's permission. Lisa was way to busy for Jennie. Like duh?

"Seriously, Jennie.. we are going to a kid's party yet you bought alot of clothes! We are not attending a fashion show, c'mon.." Lisa joked that everyone in their group laughed. Well, Jennie is carrying 5 bags of Chanel and Celine-- 2 Celine, 3 Chanel.

"This isn't just for the party, duh? This is for my school outfit!" Jennie is damn happy on her bags like bitch, there's alot more shops!

As the group hang along...

"Jennie?? Oh, hey! Taehyung? Is that you? Geez, it's been a long time." Kai acted up like he's close with Taehyung when Taehyung also hates Kai since V belongs to Lisa's group.

"Hi.." Kai smiled at Jennie and Jennie also did.

Kai's plan is now on going.. joining Lisa's group again..

"Hi.." Jennie gave her sweetest smile and Lisa rolled her eyes.

"Why are you here? Who's with auntie? How is she?" Lisa bombarded questions.

"Auntie is there and I'm buying some new clothes for Mom" Kai answered. Lisa nodded and look on Kai from head to toe.

Kai is wearing an all black outfit even hus black leather jacket. He's holding his black cap with his black face mask.

'You look like a criminal. A riding-in-tandem, specifically. I'm still better than you, Kim Dog. Duh?' Lisa's mind said.

"How's your Mom?" Jennie asked Kai.

"How's your Mom?~~Aish!" Lisa make face and pushed Jisoo on her side.

"Fuck you, bitch." Jisoo groaned whispered while brushing her long sleeves that Rosè gave last time.

"Jealous Manoban?" Irene walked to Lisa and mocked.

"Shut up.." Lisa rolled her eyes.

Jennie and Kai are still talking to each other until all of them decided to go at the supermarket to buy some beers and snacks. They decided to drink on Taehyung and Jennie's place. Kai didn't join when his phone rang and an emergency happen on the hospital again.

And they met Somi on the Snack section. Jennie noticed her first.

"Is that Somi?" She asked Chaeyoung.

"Yah, Somi. Do you think Luca will like this?" And a short blonde haired girl appeared, holding another girl's hand and a toy on the other.

"Who's that?" Jeongyeon asked.

"Chaeyoung." Lisa said.

"Why?" Rosè asked. Lisa knitted her brows and look to the chipmunk.

"Huh?" Lisa asked.

"Why the hell did you call me? You just said my name. Duh?" Rosè rolled her eyes.

"Tss.. I mean, that girl." Lisa pointed the short blonde haired girl with Somi. "She's Chaeyoung. Son Chaeyoung. The other one is Mina, Chaeyoung's girlfriend. They are Somi's close friends." Lisa explained.

"Hmm? Really? Then who's the top? The one who stands like a penguin?" Seulgi asked. Lisa hissed and smacked Seulgi's head

"The one who stands like a penguin?" Jennie asked. "What the fuck, Kang Seulgi.." Jennie giggled.

"Tch! Mina? No.. Chaeyoung is the top.." Lisa explained.

"Hey, Somi!" Jeongyeon called that made the group on shock.

"Oh, hey! What's up? Oh, V!" Somi greeted.

"Hey.. Long time no see? I heard you have a kid already? And she's turning 3?.. am I invited? HAHAHAHAHAHA!" V get along with Somi even tho he knows what happened between Lisa and Somi. A gentleman indeed.

"Oh yeah, sure!! Oh, I forgot.. This is Chaeyoung and her girlfriend Mina.." she introduced

"Hi! I'm Chaeyoung"

"I'm Mina.." the new couple smiled.

"They are my friends.. Seulgi, Jisoo, Jeongyeon, Nayeon, Irene, Chaeyoung, Jennie and.. Lisa."

"Yeah, we know Lisa." Chaeyoung said.

"Hi!" The group said in unison except Jennie who's getting something high up there and Lisa checking on Jennie.

Lisa giggled and watched how Jennie trying hard to reach the Bear shaped chocolate cookies.

Lisa's arms are crossed and smiling at Jennie's back.

"Aigoo.. to short for you, Ms. Kim.." Lisa teased Jennie and giggle. She walk through Jennie's back and reached the cookies.

Jennie was shocked and look to Lisa, facing front. Lisa's haze went down on Jennie and her smiling lips isn't fading. Their eyes met.

Both of them felt their hearts racing again.

Jennie unconsciously look to Lisa's smiling lips and then to the tall girls eyes. She gulped.

Lisa's smile went bigger, showing her teeth and stepped back before going Jennie the Box Of cookies.

Jennie was fluttered and smiled, thanking her.

"Eheem!!" Seulgi yelled a bit and stomped her foot. In unison of that, Lisa elbowed Seulgi's stomach hard while still smiling. Kang Seulgi flinched so much that she hugged Irene.

"Yah!" Irene catches her girlfriend.

Somi's friends are thrilling Jennie and Lisa, almost shipping them by gaze.

"They look good together." Mina spike and they all agreed except Somi who's killing Jennie by her glare.

Somi is damn jealous that she tore the plastic wrapper of the Marshmallow that she is holding

"Somi, the marshmallows.." Chaeyoung noticed. Yeah, Son Chaeyoung ya'll..



Sleep well,
Baby, good night 🌙

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