CHAPTER 23: Love or Lust?

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Kai's PoV

1 week had pass and I still have to wait for few weeks to continue courting Jennie. I wonder, is she going to talk to her father? I hope so. If she'll not talk to Dean, then I will. I'm really eager to have Jennie. She's the reason why I'm not hanging out to the bar, as I promise, I'll change for her. Yes. I'm damn serious about Jennie. She's the only one I want. I can sense that she's comfortable with me—Well, when I'm not yet courting her, I mean. There is this some part of me that jealous and mad at Lisa. The way she look to Jennie with her damn cold eyes, it's really different. If she likes Jennie too, then I will win. She only likes Jennie, while I love Jennie. See the difference?

I'm looking after her every damn day. Checking if Lisa will steal my girl. Her cold eyes says different. I can feel it. I may be giving the small things up to her, back then but I will not let her get Jennie. I will fight for Jennie.

Now, I'm waiting for their group to enter the school. After 30 minutes of waiting. I finally saw Jeongyeon, Nayeon, Seulgi, Irene, Jisoo and Chaeyoung. I smiled and waited for Jennie.

The group stayed on the bench and cling on their girlfriends.

Tss. Aren't they disgusted? Gays.

Lisa came with her cool outfit and cold aura. The stupid students squealed when she sat on the bench with her gay friends.

"What do people like about you, Lisa? You are nothing." I mumbled and scoffed. I am furrowing my brows while waiting for Jennie, when a slut approach me.

"Hey, baby. Waiting for someone? C'mon, Jennie doesn't like you." She said and seduced. I shove her off and glare at her. I changed my place while frowning.

How can she say it? She's not on the position to tell it to me!

My frowning face lit up when I saw Jennie with her simple but elegant light pink dress. She's damn gorgeous.

But she's frowning while finding something on her bag. I wonder what is it. She was about to step when she tripped on her foot and almost stumble. I'm worried that she might get hurt.

I was about to run when someone catched her.

I felt a sting on chest. And my head heaten up because of madness.

I clenched my fist and jaw as I glare to my cousin.

"Damn you, Lisa. Damn you!" I groaned and walked out while frowning.

"Kim Jong-in!" My friends approach.

"I'm not on the mood, Chanyeol." I said and pass by them. I felt them followed me.

She's mine, Lisa. She's mine. Mine! Better go back with Somi because, She. Is. Mine!

I punched my locker that made the students around us startled. The hell I care?

"Yah! Kai, what's the problem?" Baekhyun asked. I hissed and put my things inside the locker.

I came early in school for nothing.

I will talk to Dean. I need to court Jennie, before a snake took her bite on my territory.
Jennie's PoV
I step out of my car and walked inside the campus. I remembered something on my phone so I grabbed it to my bag. Damn! I'm running late in class!

But it wasn't there. I remebered that I put it inside my bag before I left the house.

I checked it while walking and frowning. I saw my friends on my peripheral vision, they were sitting on the bench.

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