CHAPTER 31: Ice Cream Chillin' Chillin'

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Tanginang title yan😂 bat ba? Gone MV is released so STREAM IT, Bitchezz..When is BLACKPINK comeback?! I miss them huhu..621
Lisa's PoV
Who the fuck is Kyle?!

"Hey, baby.. Here's your order." The slut waitress came again with our orders.

"Stop calling my Appa like that or I will tell it to Mommy. She's gonna grab your hair." The little girl suddenly said. Gosh..

"Hahahahahaha! You're so cute. No wonder, your appa is attractive." She said before she wink on me and left.

"Andwae.. aish.." I uttured in disgust and shook my head. We started eating our ice cream and I can see the happiness in the kid's face.

We talk to some kid stuffs. And laugh a little. Yeah.

Luca is being talkative until someone came on the door of the shop. Some people, I mean. A people with loud voices. They caught our attention because of their loudness.

"Let's find our seat first—Lisa? Is that you?" Jeongyeon said when they saw me.

No bitch, it's not me. Pabo!

"Buddy, who is them?" Luca asked in a low voice. I look at her and on my friends who's also shock on the kid.

"They're my friends." I said.

They are complete. Including Kai. Jennie and Kai. Oh shit.

"What a coincidence. A small world indeed. The arrogant one is here." Jennie said in a sarcastic way. All of them chuckled. Seriously? Until here, she's going to fight me. Oh god, this girl. I tolled my eyes.

I saw Kai with a shocked face and staring to the kid. I look to the kid and she looks so clueless about my friend's face.

How come they are here?
Kai's PoV
As we enter the shop, I'm stunned that Lisa was here. Okay, fine. It also because Luca is here with her. I know that they are here in Seoul for Ice cream but I didn't know that they are here on this shop! I'm thankful that Luca doesn't know anything about me.

I stared on the kid with a shock face. She's already big. In her age of two, she can already talk. Well, no wonder, Somi is kinda smart.

Aish.. my daughter from mistake. I want to visit her but Somi never allow me. I know she just don't want the kid to know me and just making some cover up reason.

And oh.. We're here because Sana and Tzuyu who came from Japan is already here so they decided to have this childish celebration. They are just on the parking. Ice cream? What a childish celebration for weaks.

"Woah, woah! Who's this cute munchkin?" Jisoo carried the kid. My kid. Aish!

"She's Luca. Somi's daughter—I m-mean, o-our. Our..d-daughter." She said and look away. Their daughter huh? Yeah! That's good tho. So I can be sure that Jennie is mine.

"I hope you don't get her attitude. You're a cute one." Jennie stated. The others giggled on the back, while I can't. I'm damn nervous. What if, this kid knows everything?

Jennie walk to Lisa and Luca's table and sat after the kid. We followed her while Lisa is on shock.

"Look for your own seat." Lisa groaned and aggresively eat her ica cream.

"Why? You are sitting on a ten seater table yet you are shooing us away? You're the one who should find your seat." Jennie said and scroll on her phone. Damn.

"Pabo.." Jeongyeon said.

"So.. What's her name?" I asked, acting. Of course! I need to act clueless.. As what I said on my text message to Somi, Lisa might just doing this to know her secret. Our secret.

"Luca."Lisa answered plainly.

"I'm Luca! Luca Manoban!" The kid said in joy. Lisa chocked on her ica cream and cough. Didn't she know that?

"Karma come and get some, bitch." Jennie said in sarcastuc way. Lisa glared and push Jeongyeon who's in her side.

"T-tissue!" She continously cough while the others are laughing.

"Buddy, are you okay?" Luca asked. Buddy? What the eff.

Lisa recovered.

"Y-yeah." She stuttered. Manoban. I thought, Somi is just joking that time she said that she will name the kid next to Lisa's surname.

"Let's go, Luca? This bitches are—." Lisa was cutted by Jennie.

"Is that the word that the kid should hear?" My love said. Lisa glared and crossed her arms.

"So? Why do you care?"

"You are a bad influence to the kid."

"Mind your own business."

"Luca, never say that word, okay? That's a bad word. If your Mommy heard you saying that, she will whoop you ass." Jennie explained to the kid.

"Sorry I don't trust strangers." The kid said that made everybody on our table laugh.

"That's the real karma." Lisa saud to Jennie and the two did a glaring contest where Lisa lost and look away. I have a bad feeling on this.

"Let's order now before this leads to physical fight." Jisoo suggested where the others agreed.

We put our bags on Lisa's table then, Sana and Tzuyu came in.

"What are you waiting for? Christmas? Go and order—! Eh? Lisa? Oh my God, is that you?" Tzuyu said, over reacting. Tss. I remained silent becuase the kid is staring at me.

"No, I'm not Lisa. It's just Lisa's spirit, idiot." Lisa said and gave the kid a tissue. She's really admitting that the kid is hers? That's fine. Amusingly fine.

"Nothing changed. Aish.. by the way. This is Sana. Minatozaki Sana. My girlfriend. Babe, this is Lisa, Jeongyeon's Best Friend." Tzuyu just said.

I look at the kid while they ate introducing themselves. I can't believe that I am surrounded with gays!

Luca is still looking at me.

"Is he also a gay?" She innocently asked. My eyes widen because of that! What the fuckk!


This kid..


(Will update in IG)

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