CHAPTER 44: Dream

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Jennie's PoV
I closed my eyes at 10:00PM and explored my dream land.

Time Skip—

"Jennie! Wake up! Someone's looking for you!" Oh god, who is it?!

"Who the hell?" I asked and covered my face with the duvet.


"What the fuck is she doing here?" I got up from my bed. I put my robe on with a rush. Why tho? Idk too.

"What're you doing here?" I asked as soon as I reached the living room.

She stood up and gave me a hug. A tight one. My heart is beating frantically and my cheeks is as red as tomato. What the fuck.

She look at my face and I saw her gorgeous and perfect smile. Oh god, what the fuck is happening!

She kissed my forehead and a peck on my lips that made me shock. I held my lips and I felt the butterflies on my stomach. I slapped her chest multiple times that made her giggled. Her sweet voice!

"I guess, I gotta go upstairs now. What a cringe." Mom said and got upstairs.

"How's your sleep?" She asked. I'm just looking at her pretty face. I don't know that she have this cute smile. And I don't know what is happening right now!

"It's good.." I whispered while not averting my gaze to her face.

"I know that I'm beautifully handsome and hot at the same time but don't stare at me like that, I will melt." She jokingly said.

"Oh, shut up! So arrogant."

"If telling the truth is being arrogant then okay.. I'm arrogant." She put her for finger on her chin. I laughed at her while slapping her chest.

"Ooh! I love that gummy smile!" And she pinched my cheeks.

"Tss! By the way, why are you here?"

"Geez! Don't you remember? We have classes right now and you're not yet ready!" She said and flicked my nose. Ouch!

She laughed again and my heart started to melt. What're you doing to me??!

"Yeah? I gotta take a bath now." I answered and put the strand of my head behind my ears as a I look down. Why am I doing this?

"You want me to accompany you inside the bathroom?" She jokingly said.



Oh! Bitin ba? Teka lang nag iisip pako ng isusunod 😌 just wanted to tease!

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