CHAPTER 92: The final revelation

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A/N: This will be my last Author's Note. I won't spoil anything. Yes, the end is near. Bare with me hehe. Feel the thrill.

I gave some clues, hoping you will get it 😂

Love lots,


Jennie's PoV

My body is so weak right now..

Just a bit move and Lisa will be pushed onto the cliff.

I'm crying holding my head. Turning on each every side.

I saw my Parents, Lisa's Parents, Kai's mother, the police officers holding their guns and our worried friends.

"Jennie, sweetie.. come hear!" Dad shouted at me.

I can't and I won't. I don't want Lisa to die.

"Mr. Kim Jong-in, you are arrested for Sexual Harassment! Back off and come with us!" A police officer shouted.

Kai laughed like a monster.

"You think I'm scared?! Sure! I will come if this bastard die!" He shouted back.

"Kai! Please! Bring me back my daughter!" Lisa's Mom cried.

I am disappointed at Mr. M.. he's just there holding his head.


"Why?! To let her live the life that is supposed to be mine?! No way!!" He shouted back.

I stayed looking at Lisa who's looking at me blankly while Kai is holding her on her neck. She shook her head.

I cried again

Please, Lisa.. I want you to stay with me!

Your promise, Lisa..


"That's from a lon time ago! Move on, son!" Kai's Mom spoken.

"Mom, this is for us." Kai gently spoke to his Mom.

While Kai is distracted, Lisa had the chance to switch their positions that made everyone on us scream.


"You bastard! You.. you always meddle in my life! You always cause pain on my ass! You and your fucking stupid reason!" Lisa shouted on Kai's face.

"You will kill me?! Then go if you can! You are weak. YOU ARE WEAK!" Kai answered.

I'm going to faint soon.

I see how mad Lisa is.

Please, Lisa...
Lisa's PoV
"Please, don't do this to him!" Kai's mom shouted.

I won't listen to anyone this time.

"I just wanted to live happily, Kai. We've been so close to each other back then.. What happened?" I asked him.

I remember on elementary, he always save me from those bullies. We're like brothers. I don't knkw what happened now.

"You're really good at this, huh? Playing pity.. to win! Damn you! Kill me now!" He helds my arm.

I cried silently.

He's right. I couldn't kill because I am weak. Just hold into big ones to win.

I shook my head and pushed for threat.

"Lisa! Stop! Don't do it!" Dad shouted from the back.

"Lisa yo will end up on the prison! Bro, stop!" My fruends are scremaing as well.

My mind is in a mess.

I don't know who to follow.

Myself? Them?

I have gone so mad.

"What now? Are you goung to kill me or what? Push me! Go! Let Jennie see it! Let Jennie know who you really are! Dirty player!"

"Kill me! besides, I would rather die than to stay on prison!"

"You will be on prison if you kill him! Lisa please!!"



Their voices are mixing on my mind, making me crazy.


Kai smirked at me.


I couldn't feel myself anymore.

"You are like this. You get what you want, right? Kill me. You want that, right?" Kai asked me mocking.


I want to kill him. I want him out of my life.

"Hon', please let's go home.." Jennie cried.

I have made up my mind.


There I attempted to move but Dad shout that everyone shook.


My eyes went bulge and looked back before looking on Kai.

He's looking at me blankly.

"Kill me, little sis." He produced a tear on her right eye.


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