Chapter 5: Join

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Jeongyeon's PoV

3 days had passed already. And this two? Jennie and Lisa? They didn't stop to bicker! What a perfect soon-to-be couple. Hmm..

Jennie and Lisa.. LiJen?

Ah aniya~



What the fuck was that, Jeonyeon-ah?


It's not catchy..


"JenLisa." I murmured while watching the two bickering. Jennie throwing her notebook and Lisa dodging it.

"Could you please stop?!" Lisa shouted back.

"Why did you agree on that kind of set up!" Jennie shouted still throwing things around her.

"I was spcing out earlier, okay?!" She stomped her feet that made the wooden floor release a loud bang!





"Oh my god!"

"Fuck you, Lisa!"

We all got startled because we're on the photography room and it has a small wooden stage with its green screen on the wall.

The both were arguing because they will handle the school ID photography shoot. Lisa will be the photographer while Jennie will be her assistant and the one who will format the ID and print it out. Jennie burst in anger when Lisa agreed. She really is spacing out. We noticed that she was soacing out because she's staring on the floor when she said 'okay' to dean and her father. We're there because we will also help.

"Just remove this Heightless kitten on the fucking team!" Lisa just shouted.

"You think I can?! Stupid! I shouldn't disobey my father! Damn you!" Then Jennie threw her bag on Lisa.

"Aish! I don't care for your shits!" Then Lisa sitted on the couch.

"You know what? You two? Wait me here and I'll borrow the knives on the canteen and just kill each other! You two are stressing us out!" Jisoo shouted at the two.

"Eonni, just calm down! We're also here okay? We are not leaving the both of you or else you will cause a war!" Rosè also frowned.

"Aish! I don't know what to do to the both of you. 3 days just passed yet it's like we are experiencing the world war 3 already, what more for the next days and months? Aish! I'll have no comment!" I also commented and just sitted on the table.

We're all excused since Dean Kim and Uncle M called us. It's not really a good idea but we can't disobey them.

We will also assist Lisa but Jennie will do more works near Lisa since we will just fix the things, instruct the students and I don't know anymore.. We'll help Lisa outside the studio while leaving her in the studio with Jennie, like that.

"I can't with these two." Nayeon face palmed on my side. Ackkk! She's soooooo cute!

"ksksksksksks" I giggled.

"What are you giggling at?" Nayeon rolled ger eyes at me. Fuck, I always find it hot.

"Nothing." I cleared my throat.

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