CHAPTER 64: It was her.

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A/N: Please check if there is Chapter 14: After a month, Dare on this story. It shows 1 read in my iOS while it's still a draft on my Android. Kindly check it and please inform me in the comment section. Thank you!

enjoy reading!


After the class, that afternoon. Kai invited for a drink, his so called date. The others accepted, not because they want it, instead, they are worried if Jennie will be the only one with him.

"A group date on a bar. Seriously?" Nayeon whispered.

"It's amazing. I missed drinking too." Jennie forced a smile.

Lisa is gazing on Jennie sometimes and then she'll blabber on Somi. Making Jennie jealous.

"Uh, Somi. Isn't Luca in your apartment?" Jennie then asked.

"Nah, she missed her grandparents so I dropped her on Daegu.." and Som I glanced on Lisa again. "Lis, Let's hang out on Friday, after your practice? I miss our bonding on Everland." Somi let Jennie bear.

Jennie gritted her teeth, lowkey.

"Chill, Kim.. your beloved suitor is waiting us on the parking lot." Jisoo mocked.

"Shut up." Jennie fastened her pace, arriving on the parking lot first.

The others laugh, except Lisa who's smiling.

"Hey, you really going on Everland?" Chaeyoung  asked like a kid.

"Do you want to go?" Lisa asked. "That was just actually for a show but.. I know Jennie loves going there. Taehyung told me." Lisa added, propping her arms on Somi's waist. Well, as a friend.

"Babe, I want to go there. I want to experience riding on T Express!" Chaeyoung hugged Jisoo.

"Oh god, I'm afraid of heights.." Jisoo face palmed.

"I want try the Viking!" Irene blabber That Seulgi heard.

"I want to try the game booths there." Nayeon made Jeongyeon heard.

"I want to be with Lisa." Somi joked.

"I thought—." Lisa cuts Seulgi.

"Guys, it was a joke. C'mon.." Lisa chuckled and Somi laughed.

"I can't with you two." Irene facepalmed
Jennie's PoV
I was half way to the parking lot, more advanced distance than my friends.

I was jealous for no reason. Is it no reason?

I don't know.

I hate it.

I can't still understand why I feel this way.

"Don't deny what you feel, dear." An old lady spoke from my side. She was wearing a janitor's uniform.

"What do you mean?" I asked confusingly.

"The guy. You don't feel anything. Your crush, she's not your crush." She told. I can't understand.

"Excuse me but who are you?" I moved to her because students are also taking the path to the parking lot.

"I'm the janitor. Dear, I have the sixth sense. I've been seen you a lot in this campus. You caught my attention, as well as the guy and that girl. I can sense what's on your mind." The creep told.

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