CHAPTER 56: Afraid

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"Jen.." Lisa held Jennie's arm, gently. Jennie then faced the tall girl.

"I'mma go now, Lis.. Thank you for inviting." Jennie smiled and patted Lisa's shoulder.

"No.. I mean.. Let's talk. I.. I can't keep this on me anymore. I want to tell you something that.. will maybe feel you uncomfortable but I think.. I should tell it already." Lisa gulo in every stop she make.

"How about tomorrow? Luca's party isn't over yet." Jennie said and opened her car door. Lisa closed it.

"Jennie.. please. If..If this was about that fucking kiss. That's.. That's nothing. Somi did it—."

"It's okay, Lisa. I don't care at all." Jennie cuts and giggled even there's a little pain.


"Lisa, please!" Somi called. Lisa squinted her eyes and face her ex who's now running to their place.

"I'll leave now. I think you two should talk." Jennie sighed and put her clothes inside her car.

"Just some few minutes Jennie. This is damn important." Lisa held Jennie's hands.

Jennie was shock and her gaze landed on the tall girl's eyes.

"Why are you doing this, Lisa?! I'm here! Your daughter--"Lisa cuts her ex with frustration.

"Stop, Somi. Luca isn't mine. If you still want me to entertain Luca, leave me alone!" Lisa groaned.

"Let's talk some other time, Lisa. I think you should settle youe business with Somi first." Jennie suggested but Lisa tightened her grip to the latter's shoulder.

"I don't have a thing to discuss with her. Instead, I have one to dis uss with you--."

"Lisa, please--?" Somi interlude again but Lisa's shout shook the two.

"Jennie, I love you!" She uttered out of frustration.

"Lisa.." Jennie called.
Jennie's PoV
My heart fluttered.

She.. loves me?

I was shocked. Completely shocked. I don't know how to react.

"Jennie.. please? Let's talk." She got teary eyed.

My eart began to race again. And then a tear escape on her eyes. I look on Somi and she just glared at me then walked out.

"H-hey, Lisa. Why are you.. crying?" I asked on worriness.

"N-nothing." She wiped her tears and let go of my shoulders.

"About what you sa--." She cuts me.

"Don't mind it. Forget it. I didn't meant to..say it. That was just.. t-that was just to.. avoid.. Somi." She said and for some reason, I felt sad. I don't know why.


"I'll leave now. I'm.. really sorry, Jen." She ran to her car and drove on range. So fast.

Is she lying? Her eyes said the opposite of her statement.

But, what if she reall do feel that to me? What should I do?

Well, as what she said, it's just to avoid Somi. And besides, I have Kai.


What do I fell about Kai? I don't know. There's a thing that I'm expecting from myself to feel. Like, fluttering. Which I only feel towards.. Lisa.

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