CHAPTER 28: Jeon Cousins

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Villain's soft side.

Somi's PoV
When Jugkook approached me, I was literally shocked. I know that he have feelings for Lisa back then, that's why I'm not introducing him to Lisa. I'm afraid that he'll steal Lisa from me. But now, it's already gone. So I told him to look after her for me. And he did.

He's laughing whenever he's telling me the things he's doing. So I made him stop. His feelings might develop again. Uh! That's another problem.

And.. It's true that Luca texted me. But not about Lisa. She's just asking me if I'm good. That sweet little girl. I feel sorry for Luca and Lisa for lying.

Kai is always averting his gaze whenever I'm around them. He's making it obvious that we are connected.

Okay, fine... Kai was Luca's father. That's the only thing I can tell to you. Only me, my parents and Kai knows it. Jungkook doesn't know about it but he knows that it was my child from other man.

I can notice that Jennie's gazes to Lisa. I'm not overthinking because I know that Kai is courting her. It's impossible that she likes Lisa. If she does, Lisa is still mine. Only mine.

"Somi, you sure that you'll get Lisa again?" Jungkook asked. He's with me and we're on the back of our building.

"Of course. I love her. What happened in the past was completely a mistake." I said.

"That's it.. A mistake that hard to forgive. You cheated and lied at the same time." Jungkook

"That's the only thing that came on my mind that time. She's always obeying her parents and if I will tell them that we did the process with an evidence, of course they will believe me—." Me.

"But they found it out eventually. You're stupid.. If you just miscarried the kid." Jungkook

"Are you damn serious? Of course, I still have a conscience! She's my child after all!" I groaned. He ran out of words and silence began to trace between us.

I'm seriously nervous on what I am doing. Call me slut, whore, pathetic or anything. You can't blame me.. I love Lisa more than I love myself..she's my angel in disguise. She made me realize how hard life was, she took care of me when my parents was away. She supported me and she loved me. But I just wasted all of it. All I was longing is her time but I didn't know that it'll cause a trouble on our wonderful relationship.

"You're right. I'm stupid." A tear escaped from my eyes. I regret every wrong thing I made back then.

Jungkook hugged and brush my hair like a real brother. Lisa is also the reason why we became this close.

"She's the girl that everyone dreams. She's so precious. All she have to do is to love me but I cheated." I cried. I admit that I cheated and I regret it. If I could just turn back the time, I won't do that and I'll keep her like a trausure.

"Shh.. You'll get her back, right? So what's the problem? C'mon, Somi. You're not a real 'Jeon' if you'll give up. Or.. I will get her—." He joked.

"Damn you, oppa. Don't you dare!" I punched him. I wish I have a brother like him. He's so reliable.

The bell rings..


"So.. let's go? You'll still travel to Daegu with Lisa, right? It's your time, Jeon Somi.." jungkook said and smirked. His creepy smirk.

"Yeah.." I smiled.

You are mine, Lisa. And always be.
Lisa's PoV
We are done talking with the bosses. And as what we concluded earlier, this freaking meeting is all about dancing. We'll join the regional dance contest next month. I don't want to join. And I will talk to Dad.

Everyone was really happy with it. But not me..

I already forgot that passion. Everything I am doing from the past was all on it's grave. I buried it all already.

"Dad.." i called.

"Oh, Lisa. Why are you still here? Don't you have classes?" He asked and I sighed. I seriously don't know how to ask.

"I...Don't want to j-join the competion." I said, stuttering. I'm nervous. I never betrayed my parents, seriously.

"Can you tell me why?" He asked on a soft tone. I rubbed my palm.

"I just don't want to and.. I already forgot that..passion." I honestly uttered. He sighed and sat beside me. Silence began to trace in the both of us.

"Ah, I know.." he said and smiled from ear to ear. I..don't like that smile. It's like, he's giving me no choice already.

"My birthday and the competition will be at the same day." He said and pout.

"Stop it, Dad. It doesn't fit you." I avert my gaze. He's being childish just to convince me.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" He laughed. "Anyways.. I would love to see you dancing again. And I want it to be a birthday gift.. what do you think?" He smirked. My mouth went agape. He's living me no choice again!

"Think about it, Ms. Lalisa Manoban.. I gotta go, also you. Go to your class. Take care.." he smiled and left.

"Oh, god.." I mumbled and rub my face aggresively.

I got out of the office with my brows furrowed.

"Yaah~!" A high pitch squeal from my side. And it was Jennie with Kai on her side. The hell is she doing here?

"Why are you here?" I asked coldly.

"Give me back my shoe!" Jennie punched. Kai walked on my back to get the said shoe. As soon as he put his hand on my bag, I shove it away and put my bag on the floor.

"Let her get it." I said. Kai glared and I bobbed my head to tease him.

"What?" Jennie asked.

"You're not just a lame, also a deaf—." Kai cutted me.

"Will you stop insulting Jennie?" Kai madly said. I raised my brows and look at Jennie.

"Am I insulting you? Is that an 'insult' for you?" I asked sarcastically. I'm loving her reaction. J-just her reaction.

"Damn you." Jennie cussed. She rolled her eyes and opened my bag.

"You really have the guts to sneak this on school?" She said. I think it's my vape.

"So?" I asked. Kai pulled my shoulder.

"The hell is your problem?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulder. I saw him clenched his fist so I smirked. Let's see..

"Kai, let's go." Jennie said.

"The luck is with you because Jennie was here, or I'll punch your face right away." Kai said. Ah really?

"Ooh.. You don't want to have a bad impression to the girl you love? That's foolish." I said and walk, bumping his shoulder.

"Seriously, what is your problem, you arrogant." Jennie groaned and put her arms on her waist. I also did to tease her. Her reaction was priceless..

"Ask your suitor, not me, lame." I said and walked with my bag.

I'm completely late on class.

I waste my time for them. I can't believe it.

Protective Kim Jong-in, sulking bitch Jennie😂

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