CHAPTER 43: Kai and Lisa

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Lisa's PoV
I got inside Auntie's room after I wiped the side of my lips. Damn that dog. He punched my beautiful face so hard! It bleed too much! And I'm pretty sure that I will have a hard time talking, eating or opening my mouth. It hurts.

I bowed as I entered Auntie's room. After some seconds, Kai came in. He looked at me with a glare before he bowed to my parents. He bumped my shoulder as he walk beside her Mother. I scoffed and smirked. He's getting into my nerves, seriously.

An awkward silence. The atmosphere is so heavy.

"How are you, Auntie?" I broke this fucking silence.

"I'm getting fine. Thank you for asking, Lisa." She answered and I nodded.

"Get well soon, Unnie." Mom said and she forced a smile. What's wrong?

"How are you, Kai?" Dad suddenly asked. Seriously?

"I'm.. I'm fine... uncle."Kai said. Dad nodded.

And here's the awkward silence again. Luckily, mom spoke.

Me and Kai are just exchanging glares. I swear to this dog!

"I heard that the dance competition is near." She dropped a topic.

"Ah, Yeah. Next week will be the practice. A junior student replaced you, Jong-in. He's Mashiho."

"What? Uncle, I didn't say that I will quit—." I cutted him. Seriously? He will let her mom alone here just to show off his self? That's insane!!

"So? You will let your mom here alone? Are you insane?" I scoffed.

"Why do you care? I'm not talking to you—."

"Ah.. So you'll really leave your Mom here just to compete with me—?"

"Lisa!" Dad shouted and cutted me.

"Why? Isn't it true?" I said and rolled my eyes.

"You shut up." Kai said and clenched his fist. I look at it and smirked. I moved my face to him forward and pointed it.

"Come.. punch me again. Here." I waited him to do it

"What? You're afraid that your mom will see it? Didn't she know that you always do tha—." I was stopped by his hard punch again.

"Kai! Please.." Auntie stopped his son from punching me again. Her breath isn't normal again.

"Seriosuly? You're doing this in front of a sick person?! Grow up, Kai and Lisa!" Dad groaned. I held my jaw. It's the same spot where he punched me earlier but it's more darker at this point.

"How dare you hurt a lady, Kai?" Mom stood up.

"How dare she question me on taking care of my Mom?" He whispered.

"K-Kai." Auntie is on deep breath.

"Tss. I'll call a nurse." I looked at Kai and turned to the door to call a nurse.

I wipe my lips again. Fuck this. How the hell I didn't even punched him back?! Gosh!

I reached the nurse's desk.

"Patient Kim in room 327 needs assistance. She have difficulty on breathing." I said and left.

Time to use my device. The vape.

I reached the parking and get my vape on my car. I walk through the shaded part of the sun. I don't want to be tanned.

Tss. How dare him? We don't need him to the dance competition! He will just compete with like what he always do. Damn him!

After 10 minutes someone pushed my shoulder.

"Why did you do that?" He asked. Yeah, it's the family dog, Kai.

"Uhm? Embarrassing you in front of our parents or.. threatening you about Jennie—."
He grabbed my collar. Oh come on. Don't tell me he will punch my beautiful face again?

"Answer me!"

"Okay! Chill!" I shoved her hands and raised my hands like a prisoner to mock him.

"First.. so your Mom will know how good you are on acting. Second.. it's not a threat about Jennie. You are away for a month, don't you think her attention will be on the person around her?" I moved my head forward agin while my hands are on my back.

"Stop your business with Jennie. I'm her suitor so she will be mine! She's happy with me—."

"But you're not around her. I can make her happy on my arms too, Kai. Everyone is falling for me.. come on. Or.. you will really, let your Mom on this hospital alone to compete with me? You will leave her here just for your own satisfaction—."

"Oh, Lisa.. stop blackmailing me. It won't work."

"So, you'll really leave her here? Such a pathetic!" I said and mockingly laughed.

He got silent.

"Just.. just stop. Jennie is mine. Find another girl or go back to Somi." And he left. I stared at his back silently.

He's serious? Geez! He left without an answer. I puffed a thick smoke from my vape and released it without blinking while looking at the tall coward dog walking back to the hospital building.

"Tss." I smirked and walk to my car to go home.

Maybe I'll just message my parents that I got home.


I had to republish it since it was cutted. Whew! It's getting intense!

Kai or Lisa?🤔

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