CHAPTER 77: On the way home

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This is a VERY SHORT UPDATE because I have lots of school works to do but I want to write ASGSHJSHAJAH

They enjoyed the night and had some dinner before Lisa drove to drop Jennie on their house.

Jennie notices something since earlier.

"Hon'.." Jennie called. She's quite shouting because of the motor engine's noise, additionally their wearing helmets.

"Yeah? You want something??"

"I'm fine here. But.. that car. On our back. I think it's following us." Jennie hugged Lisa waist more tightly.

Lisa then looked at their back



And again

"That's Kai." And she fasten their motor.

"Oh my god, Lisaaa!!" Jennie hugged her tight.

"Fuck! They'd known! Fuck you Lisa!" Kai on his car shouted and continued following the two.

Lisa and Jennie's motor drove fast as if they're The Flash.

Kai reached them, positioning his car on Lisa's side.

"Hon'.." Lisa called

"I'm scared." Jennie gulped.

"Shh.. Hold on tight. Really tight, okay??" Lisa told. Jennie bobbed her head and did what Lisa said.

"What now, Lisa?!" Kai opened her window.

"Indeed a dog." Lisa stated.

She fasten her motor up to 189km/h really fast. However, Kai still managed to follow.

Kai was positioned his car to bump the motor but when Kai was ready to smash them, Lisa hits her break and drifted left.

Made Kai's eyes bulge out, his car went out of control so he jumped out of the car.

He rolled and rolled and rolled to the asphalt.

"Oh my god!" Jennie exclaimed. Their motor was parked without them going down on it.

"A-argh.. Damn! LISAA! FUCK YOU, I WILL KILL YOU!!" Kai shouted on her.

"Karma come and get some, dumbass." Lisa started their motor and peacefully drove Jennie home.

"What the fuck.. That was.. so cool." Jennie then laughed as if no one was hurt.

Kai have bruises, wounds and scratches but no onw is helping since it's 9:00PM. His car crashed to the post lamp.

When Lisa succesfully dropped Jennie home..

"You want to be a racer, huh?" Jennie joked.

"Nah. I'd better hold my camera to capture you." Lisa loosen Jennie's helmet. "You'll keep this helmet. This is yours." Lisa gave the helmet.

"Thank youu~ I love you." Jennie used he baby voice.

"I love you more." Lisa smiled.

"Do you wanna stay for a while?" Jennie asked.

"Maybe next time? We have to answer some homeworks."

"We can do it together."

"No we can't. We might end uo making love again. Your parents might hear." Lisa pinched her cheeks.

"Okay.." Jennie pouted. "How about tomorrow?" She asked.

"It's family day. You should spend time with your parents." Lisa asnwered and fixxed some hairs of Jennie.

"You're so sweet... Thank you for this day, then." Jennie hugged Lisa and so she did.

"You're always welcome, hon'.. So... I'll fetch you on monday morning?" Lisa asked.

"Yes please." Jennie looks up on Lisa.

"Okay then.. I gotta leave now, it's 9:30PM already.. I'll get my other car on our mansion tonight for Monday." Lisa bid her goodbye.

"Love you!! Drive safe, you'll still wait me in the end of the aisle, huh?" Jennie joked. Lisa cracked up and hugged Jennie again.

"Love you more. Goodnight!" Lisa gave Jennie a peck and drove to their mansion go get her car.

They're such a cute couple.

They're throwing sweet words to each other while Kai is having a hard time to call a cab.

"Fuck you, Lisa! Fuck you! Oh shit, my wound!!" Kai kicks every stone he see

Karma come and get some.


Oum, alien language 'yan. Mwehehehehhe

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