CHAPTER 46: Lowkey worried

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Jennie's PoV
After that freaking dream. My parents pampered me a lost of questions like, 'What's your dream?','Nightmare?','Are you Okay?' And I was like, 'I'm.. I'm fine. I gotta take a bath now, I'll be late. You too, Dad.' To Avert the topic.

Nightmare? Maybe it was. That's why I'm just staring on the tub while taking a bath, in simple, I'm spacing out. Yeah.

Lisa? Kai? What's up with them?

People say that if we remember our dreams, then it has a message on it that we should know. What is it?! I don't know.

Or you're just playing dumb?

"What the?" I was shocked. It's like I heard my other self!

"Oh god, I gotta finish as soon as possible. This is creeping me out." I murmured.
I can't believe I heard that.

I got out of my bathroom and picked an outfit for today.


Oh no.. no.. no...

That's the brand I was wearing on my dream. Andwae.

I chose Celine instead—

It's Lisa's brand..

Oh shit. Here we go again.

Why do I am hearing myself?!

I slapped my face multiple times, maybe I was dreaming again.

But nah.. my face damn hurts. This is the reality. Geez!!

Prada— no..

Ah, Bvlgari— not this.

Ugh! Let's go for Louis Vuitton! Gosh!

I wore this forced outfit, like geez! I'm getting crazy!!

As soon as I finished, I marched downstairs and unconsciously look at the living room to check if someone's waiting. Gladly, no one.


"Oh my god! Mom! You startled me!" I held my chest. She just popped up from nowhere!!

"Still about your dream—?"

"Bye mom!" I kissed her cheek and left the house.

Please, tell me there's no black Lamborghini here. Whews! Safe..

I drove..

Btw, after my first week on school, I started to learn driving on weekends and now, I can go drive myself. I also have my driver's license already.. so.. yeah!

Anyways.. after 10 minutes of driving, I reached the parking area. I looked around if there's a black Lamborghini. There's no.

Ugh! This is crazy!!!!!!

I parked my car beside a black mustang. I got out of my car, in sync with the Mustang's owner. And you know what?

It's Lisa!

My heart is trembling. God please!

I look at her and she smiled but she flinched and held her lips. What's that? Is she okay? Where did she get that?

"Good Morning.." Lisa smiled a bit when she greeted.

"What happened to that?" I asked without expression— well, I'm trying my best.

"Nothing.. let's get inside?" She asked. No. No way.

I shook my head and walked in rush.

I don't know. Kai is not here but my dream is making feel like he is waiting inside, holding a black knife. That was traumatic.

"Name?" The guard asked.

"Jennie Ki—." I stopped

'Jennie Kim-Manoban.'

I'm hearing it again!!

"Ms. Kim? Oh, I think you should go inside already.." he giggled. I bowed and walk in rush.

I walked and walked.. until I bumped into someone. Who's this! Elk me it's not Kai or Lisa..

"I'm sorry." I bowed and didn't look to the person's face and ready to walk again when she spoke.

"Yah! What's happening to you, Kim Jennie?!" Nayeon held my shoulders.

I look up to her and felt relieved. I hugged her.

"What the hell.. you're going nuts. What's happening?" She asked. The others are laughing so I pouted. I was about to speak when another friend came. Oh my god..

"Yeorobun!" Lisa came in smile..

She flinched again and held her lips.

This was cute..

Lisa's PoV
What's wrong with Jennie? She's acting weird!

Damn this lips! It hurts! Kai made this! I will take a revenge!

Anyways, I waved to my friends. Jennie is staring at me but I didn't mind her first.

Save the last for the best..

I high fives my friends, the tops and nodded to their bottoms. Is it fine to describe them like that? But they are the boss of the tops in real life. Aww.. if Jennie and me will end up together. I will make sure that I am the boss. Lol.

"What's up, Jen?" I look at her. I suddenly forgot that she made no go to that dance contest. Her pretty face did.

"I'm good.." she look away.

"What the hell is up to you, mandu? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Seulgi laughed.

Yeah.. what's happening to you?

"Nothing. Let's go now!" She pulled Nayeon's arm and they walked.

"Yah! Be careful!" Jeongyeon said to Jennie.

"So.. what happened to that pretty plump lips of yours?" Jisoo asked.

"Something happened last night when we visited Kai's Mom." I answered and we walked, following Jennie and Nayeon.

"Really? Why?" Irene asked.

"I'll tell you later." I said and we reached the gym for the announcement.


Waaah! I'm getting crazy like Jennie! Have you read "Haunt You"? That! That's the reason why I'm getting crazy. Help juseyo 😭

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