CHAPTER 65: Lisa's Jennie/ Somi's Kyle

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After the Hang out, most od them are wasted. Especially Jennie.

Lisa and Somi was left fine, even drinking more.

"So.. Somi, I'm now eager to know who ruined us." Lisa then opened that made Somi stop.

"Luca told me thay she often heard you talking to this guy named.. Kyle?" She added, opening a lollipop to suck. The lollipop that Jennie made her buy.

"A-ah.. K-kyle. Ah yeah." Somi stuttered.

The two got silent. Somi's sweat are starting to build up because of nervousness.

"Look, Somi. I know what you feel. And I know, you don't want me to get mad and avoid you. I swear, I won't." Lisa assured and held Somi's hand.

Jennie in Somi's side woke up from from the sober. She drank a water and noticed the two holding hands.

'I'm damn late. They were together.' She thought. All of her drunkness have gone. She was bow fine, clearly seeing the two.

Somi stood up.

"Oh, you're awake. Excuse me, I'll just go to the comfort room." Somi excused.

"I'll go there too." Jennie stood up with a rotating surroundings. Lisa helped.

"Careful.. How could your boyfriend bring you in  a bar?" Lisa mumbled. Jennie stared on Lisa who's sucking the lollipop.

"Don't stare at me like that." Lisa smirked. What ia she thinking?

"Help her walk to the comfort room." Somi suggested.

"Nah.. You do it." Lisa stared on Jennie.

"I can manage." Jennie then walked on her own.
Somi's PoV
I had to think. Luca heard it? Thankfully, she misheard it. Kai, Kyle-- it's sounds quite the same.

Jennie was on the other cubicle. I went on mine and washed my hand, also my face.


I'm not yet ready.Lisa and I had the closure. I'm afraid she'll avoid me and get mad.

I don't want to move on. I'm being a martyr to a worth it person, it's okay.

We're friends? It's okay.

I'm pathetic. I don't want to lose her. She completes my life. She's my everything.

Kyle. Yes, Kyle. It's Kyle.

I hooked on a cousins, I admit. I can't help it, I was longing for her. She's always busy that time and I miss her.

"Somi." Jennie got out of the cubicle.

"Hey.."  I answered.

"So.. how was you and Lisa? You answered her already?" She asked. Answered?

"On what?"

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