CHAPTER 95: Graduation

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another time skips..

It's been four months since that incident happened. Lisa treated Jennie just like hoe Jennie cleaned her shoulder back then. Everyone experienced trauma.

Kai's mother died, after a week of grieving, missing Kai. While Kai? He's body was found, almost unknown.

Lisa is still distant to his father after knowing everything. For her, Kai's death made her breath freely. Live freely. LOVE FREELY.

Graduation, the moment that every students love.

"The valedictorian is here!" They waited for Jennie and Lisa. As usual.

"And so you are, Ms. Salutatorian." Jennie answered Jisoo.

"Where's that outgoing Student President?" Nayeon pertained to Lisa.

"She's parking the car." Jennie answered.

MNBN University is themed black and gold for this year's graduation. All graduating college students are here with their parents.

"Mr. M and Auntie must be inside already, as well as your parents, Jennie" Irene told.

"Hey." Finally, Lisa came.

"Looking good on a Black and gold toga, huh?" Seulgi teased.

"Of course! And all of you.. specially Jennie." She rest her arm to Jennie's shoulder.

"It's so hot here, let's get inside." Jeongyeon said and they went in the gymnasium

"My daughters, you're here? C'mon inside." Jennie's Dad saw them.

"Daaaaddy!" Jennie squealed.

"Yes?" Lisa

"My baby!" Dean

Lisa and Dean answered in unison. Then, Lisa blinked her eyes and gulped in realization.

These past few months, Jennie and Lisa have been doing IT.. you know what I mean. So Lisa is used, being called 'daddy' by Jennie.

Lisa blushes in embarrassment.

"Daddy, huh?" Irene teased. They laughed except Lisa who's still blushing and Dean Kim who has no idea.

"Haysss, I don't understand kids these days.. Anyways, let's get inside. Your parents are waiting for you all." Dean shook his head and went inside the campus.

"I predict, you made love last night. Lisa's head is into it." Chaeyoung said

"Almost, Chaeyoung. Almost." Jennie giggled.

"That's... our privacy, how could you vulgarly tell it, hon'?" Lisa looks away and they started walking.

"That's normal, Pranpriya. And besides, it's just between us." Jeongyeon told.

"SUNBAENIM!!" Ryujin with Yeji came.

"Ryuijin-ah." Lisa stopped in front of them.

"I don't think I can handle your position.." Rubin is nervous.

"Yes, Being a student Council President is hard, but you're the only one I trust. C'mon." Lisa said.

As an outgoing student council president, The trusted chairperson should take over.

"You know what? Let's just go. You can't do anything about it though." Jisoo held Ryujin's shoulder and gently pushing her to walk to through the gymnasium.

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