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"Ahh.. so that's where 'I love you, 24/365' came..That's really a long story, Dada! It's already 12:00AM, Jae is asleep!" The first born which is Pyro, told.

"It's really late, You should sleep." Jennie pinches the kid's cheeks.

"I thought you don't want the story?" Lisa asked, yawning.

"It's so interesting!" Pyro buried his head to Jennie's neck. He's really into her Mommy.

"Hmm.. yeah, you should sleep. You have classes tomorrow. Mommy and I are going to work as well." Lisa kissed Pyro's forehead, as well as Jennie's.

"I love you both, 24/365. Good night." Lisa smiled at the two. Pyro drifted off to sleep.

The couple remained awake.

"It's been Eight years, hon'." Jennie spoke.

"Right! We've gotten more strong." Lisa agreed

Their love is really unbeatable. Really strong.

They are tied up really hard that no one could separate them.

"We May fight into small or big things but I know we are both matured enough to fix it." Lisa added, whispering because their kids are asleep.

"I know.. and I also know that you need to rest right now." Jennie chuckled. "You've been on your work for, straight one week.. aren't you tired?" She also asked.

"Quite.. but, it's for our family so it's okay. I just need your hug, c'mon." Lisa patted the space on her side.

Jennie followed her and they cuddled, Jennie in Lisa's top.. while their twins are sleeping on their side.

"I love you, 24/365" Lisa said while burying her face in Jennie's neck.


Hi! This is just the continuation of the prologue, that's why it's short.

젠리사: I love you 24/365 || JenLisa✅Where stories live. Discover now