CHAPTER 35: Old you

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Jeongyeon's PoV
That bitch is really... uh! Nayeon and I are supposed to stay with each other all night but, Lisa called. Y phone was on loud speaker earlier so Nayeon heard what we are talking about. We can't do anything.

"I'm really sorry, babe." I apologized.

She chuckled. "It's fine. Actually, I want to go with you so I can be sure that you two won't do anything crazy." She said and squinted her eyes.

"Tss.. You just want to be with me. But, sure! Let's go?" I asked and she nodded.

I opened the car door for her and gave her a smile before I ran to my seat.

I drove while we're talking to each other.

After a few minutes, we reached our house. I saw Lisa's car. Tss.

"Oh, I think Jeongyeon is here already." I heard my Dad said.

"Hello, Uncle." Nayeon bowed to Dad.

"My Daughter-in-law is also here!" Dad said. Nayeon blushed so I chuckled.

"So... Where's that bitch?" I asked, pertaining to Lisa.

"She's with your Mom in the garden. She's waiting for you, actually." He told.

"What do you want to have, Nayeon? Juice? Coffee? Food?" He asked in concern.

"Ah, I'm fine, Uncle. Jeongyeon and I already ate at the restaurant." Nayeon said.

"Is that so? Okay then, go to the garden now. Lisa is there... She seems so happy." Dad whispered the last sentence.

Happy? She can't even smile, then now, she's happy? What the damn hell?

"Maybe she's possessed. Lisa is Happy? Duh?" Nayeon rolled her eyes. I laughed and rolled my arms around her shoulders.

We reached the garden and we saw Mim and Lisa talking.

"Hey, Bitch." I called.

"Hmm.. They're here. I'ma leave now." Sa smiled at Lisa.

"Oh! Hi there, Nayeon! You're still pretty, huh? Bye.." she giggled. Nayeon bowed.

She's not just pretty, she's damn gorgeous.


We sat in front of Lisa.

"What now? You ruined our date—."

"Have you heard the news?" Lisa asked while smirking. Ooh..

"She's indeed happy." Nayeon nodded her head.

"What news?"

"Kai will be absent for a month. Starting tomorrow" She stated.

"That's why you are happy? Tss.. well, why?" Nayeon asked. A cold wind blew. I rolled my arms to my girlfriend's shoulder tightly because of the cold wind and she's wearing a sleeveless top.

"Remember earlier? When Someone called him and it seems to be so urgent, it's her mom. She's been sent to the hospital and now, she's admitted. That's why Kai will be out for a month." Lisa stated. So? Bitch, her aunt is sick!

"The fuck? Lisa, your Auntie is damn sick." Nayeon said and laughed sarcastically. That's exactly what I'm thinking.

"Of course, I know that and I'm still worried, What I am talking about is Kai. It's good though, he should take care of her mother." Lisa explained.

"Tss. That's your damn reason to ruin our date? You should tell it tomorrow instead... what you gonna do now? I know you want to do something." I said. Nayeon yawned so I rest her head to my shoulder.

I know Lisa so well. If she will just tell us something unimportant, she will rather tell it to us the day after she found out or just keep it herself. Tonight's different. She's happy.

"Hmm, yeah.. for one month, I want my regrets to be gone." She logically said. This bitch.

"Can you just tell it straightforwardly?" Nayeon scoffed.

"Like.. I want to express her my feelings, without actually telling it to her—." What the damn hell?

"Are you serious? How can she even know?!"

"I told you, I'll express it. Like.. my moves? Yeah. Actually, I almost confessed earlier on her way home." She sighed.


"Because your jealous?"

"No. I don't know.."

"If you say so.."

A deafening silence begun to trace between us for a while. I'm thinking of idea, what does she wanna do..

I quit.

"Damn. Just tell me, what is your plan now?" I scoffed and crossed my arms.

"Tss.. Actually, I still don't have one but... What should I do—?" I didn't let her continue her words when I thought of an idea.

"Starting tomorrow, you should bring back your old self." I said. Nayeon also got up.

"That's a great idea." Nayeon smiled.

"O-old self?" Lisa asked.

"Yes.. Try it. Bring back your smile, your silly self. A joyful Lisa.. because you know what? That's what I notice to Kai. He became a snob to other girls but when it comes to Jennie, he's so silly, which made Jennie laugh or smile." I explained. That's the truth.

"Is there any wa—."

"Then don't call us again. Leave now, I'm sleepy." Nayeon shooed.

"Nah... Fine. I'mma try." She was left with no choice. She sighed.

"Good." I nodded. If she won't do this Jennie will never be attached with her. Especially, she's sometimes scary.

"And.. Try to be close with her. Starting tomorrow." I added.

"K." She answered. K.

"You only have 30 days, Lisa. 30 days or we don't know, Kai might miss Jennie and be back, not completing his 1 month absence." Nayeon threatens. Right.

"Psh. I'mma go now." And yeah, she left like nothing.

"Oh, god. Your friend is really... uh, nevermind. I wanna sleep now, Ostrich."

Ostrich? She's indeed sleepy

Yow! Long time no update! Super busy from my studies and my grandma's 40 days of death is coming so I have to help here.

21 days without my 할머니 👵
Pray for my grandmother's soul🥺🙏

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