CHAPTER 3: Class 1A

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Third person's PoV

It was their first day. Especially the tiny latter— I mean, Jennie. It's Jennie's first day in MNBN University. Her friends; Irene, Cheayoung and Nayeon, which are studying to the said university for long time lead the way to their building with Lisa's friends. While, Lisa? She's at the back of all the girls, glaring at Jennie's back.

'I shouldn't met you' Lisa's mind.

They reached their building, still, Lisa is quiet.

"Is this our building?" Lisa finally spoke.

"Can't you see? We stopped here so defenitely—" Jennie is cutted bt Lisa.

"I'm not fucking asking you, Heightless Kitten." Lisa said and passed by while bumping Jennie's shoulder once again.

"Heightless—WHAT?! Come back here, Arrogant Giant!" She shouted. Their friends laughed. Jennie rolled her eyes and followed Lisa to, at least, fight back..

"You know what? They suits each other. HAHAHAHAHA!" Jisoo bluttered that made everyone laugh. Well, yeah. They really suits each other.

"I will not be shocked if that two end up together.." Irene said and shaes her head.

They moved to follow the two  on the third floor.  But..

They are on the second floor when they saw Jennie talking to a tall guy.

"Sorry again, Kai." Jennie bowed to the guy.

"It's fine. Next time, just make sure to be careful, okay?" Then the tall guy patted Jennie head and Jennie blushed.

"See you around, Ms. Jennie." Then he pinched Jennie's cheeks before he left. That made Jennie to blush more.

"Jennie-yah?" Jennie woke up from her thoughts when her friends approached.

"A-ah. A-are you there for a long time?" Jennie startled, still blushing.

"Don't tell us, you like that guy. He's the campus jerk, Jen. He's a father of many kids from different women. So stay away from him. And besides, girls suits you." Chaeyoung said. Pertaining to Lisa.

"W-what?! No, I'm not into girls! I'm straight!" Jennie said. Well, their campus have many gay students. Many gays are studying there because there's an gender equality there. Of course, Lisa made that for the school.

"We don't know. Everyone are falling inlove to her. Let's go, before Mr. Yang scold us." Then they pulled Jennie.

'What the hell are you talking about?' Jennie's thoughts.

They reached their room and there they saw Lisa, sitting on the back. Lisa's eyes landed on Jennie, who's now glaring at her and clenching her fists. Lisa then averted her gaze to the small girl.

There are only one row left in the room, which fits the count of Jennie, Lisa, Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Irene, Seulgi, Chaeyoung and Jisoo. Lisa is sitting in the right end.

Whe Jennie is glaring to Lisa, the others looked at each other to send a message, which they all got. They sitted to the whole row, leaving the chair beside Lisa. Jennie looked at their friends and furrowed her brows more.

The setup was:
|Lisa| |empty| |Irene||Seulgi||Jeongyeon||Nayeon||Chaeyoung||Jisoo|

So probably, Jennie must sit beside Lisa.

"Move, Irene." Jennie pulled Irene's arm, not knowing that Mr. Yang is on the front already.

"Miss?" Mr. Yang called.

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