CHAPTER 55: Spilled

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Somi was watching the three, teasing each other.

"A bad view, eh?" Jungkook popped out.

"Fucking shut up." Somi rolled her eyes and get the tray to serve some drinks.

"Ooh.. someone will drive home with wet clothes?" Jungkook teased and drank on her can.

Somi's grip on the tray was tightened as soon as Jennie and Lisa's face became closer when Luca hugged the two.

She fastened her pace.
Jennie's PoV
My heart. Again. You know it. I don't want to repeat it, it's still the same. My fucking chest. What's wrong?! Do I have a heart failure? Oh god, no.

"Lisa, Jennie some drinks—ahh!" Somi was on her way with a tray, full of beer glasses, when she tripped and spilled the drink on our place. Lisa is a bit wet while I'm the sever one.

God damn it!

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" She exaggerated. I stood up. The beers was fucking cold.

"Jennie! What the hell.. hey, are you okay?" Lisa worriedly asked as if I'm about to die. I look at Somi and noticed how she rolled her eyes then made it like so worried.

I don't think this was an accident. This bitch is getting into my nerves, seriously.

"Oh my god, Lisa! You are soaking wet! I'm so sorry." Somi approaches Lisa, so worried.

"Eomma!" Luca called.

"Yes, baby?"


Somi and I both said in unison.

"Sorry?" Somi asked.

"Are you okay, Eomma? Mom, please be careful." Luca approached me.

"I'm your mother, baby.." Somi said and get some tissue on the table to wipe Lisa but the latter carefully shoved Somi's hands and wiped herself.

This bitch is really.. My fucking clothes!

"No.. you are my Mommy.. And she's my Eomma. Jennie Eomma!" She said and gave me some tissue.

"Thank you, baby." I whispered on her and smiled.

"What?" Somi furrowed her brows.

Lisa do something!

"Uhm!" Luca nodded and smiled.

"I'll just fix myself.." Lisa said blankly while looking on Somi.

"Sure! You can use my clothes on my room. I'll accompany you—."

"How about Jennie?" Lisa cuts.

"M-me?" I pointed myself.

"Luca! Come here, let's play?" That Jungkook called and the kid left.

This is so.. so.. awkward.

However, this bitch is making my blood boil.

"Well, uhm.. My clothes are big—."

"We'll use my clothes on the car.. Let's go, Jennie." Lisa then pulled me out, gently.

"Lisa!" Somi called but Lisa didn't look back. Instead, I did. Then I unconsciously smirked for I don't fucking know reason.

She deserve it though..

"Hey, hey? Where are you heading to? What happened to the both of you." Jisoo asked, holding her glass. She's with Jeongyeon and Seulgi. So we stopped

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