CHAPTER 86: Trust our fate

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Lisa's PoV


Class was dismissed and our practice is also done.

I got the whole solo performance perfectly because I'm Lalisa Manoban😎

And yet, Jennie seems to be so uncomfortable. I saw her went out the gym earlier on her phine then came back spacing out.

I wonder what's the problem? She always look everywhere and always on my side. Well, I'm loving it when she's on my sude but today is just unusual.

"Lis, what's wrong with Jennie and Irene?" Seulgi asked me. Oh, yeah.. Irene as well.

Are they stressed?

"I don't know as well." I whispered back. And then thers comes Jennie again, looking around.

"Guys, can you come over to our place? I have to tell something." Jennie spoke.

"What's wrong, Jennie? You look so bothered. As well as Irene." Chaeyoung asked, munching a cookie again.

I look on Jennie and she clings her arm to mine.

"I'll tell you later--." Jennie wasn't able to finish her words when a janitor bumped into her.

"Hey, watch out! Are you okay?" I checked Jennie.

The janitor who's wearing a cap and a mask bowed before passing by us.

Jennie looks back on the janitor and I saw how her eyes bulged before looking to Irene before me.

I furrowed my brows.

She's up to something..

"Let's go." She pulled Irene's arm and they leads the way to the parking lot.

"They're... weird." Nayeon shrugged her shoulder.

"Are they stressed about taking over my work?" Jisoo asked.

"I also though about that but.. I think, nah. They were like that since earlier." I told.

"Well... See you at Lisa's place." Jeongyeon bids her goodbye.

We saw Jennie and Irene talking and then they parted ways to get in their Girlfriend's cars.

"Drive safely, dumb bitches." I bid my goodbye.

"Yeah, you too, Punk." I heard Jisoo shouted.

I started the engine and Jennie was so... so quiet.

"Hon', what's the matter?" I asked, holding her hands.

I was so damn worried, I don't kniw what's happening to her.

"Are you sick?" I asked, driving a little slow.

"No. I'm.. fine. I'm just.. uhm.. Hon'.." she couldn't finish talking.

"Nah, look at this instead." She gave me her phone. The messages opened.

I parked my car on the side first and grabbed her phone.

Who the fuck?

From Unknown..

Hi, Baby-- THE HELL?!

I read the following messages with my brows furrowed.

"He even called me earlier. That's why I went out the gym earlier. That's the reason why Irene and I are so bothere and uncomfortable." She sighed.

Is this, some reason... Kai?!

"And the janitor..." She added and shook her head.

"Andwae.." I gave back her phone and scoffed.

That bastard! Damn him!

"Don't believe on that. He's just threatening us, he won't do it." I told. I swear, he won't do it. He have been doing it since then, nothing happened to me.

"What if he do?" She asked me.

"I'm ready, Hon'. Just.. Just trust me and our fate. He won't do it. If he'll do, then be it. But I swear, he won't do it or they will suffer in poorness." I gritted my teeth.

If he still care about her mother, he won't do it or theur wealth will be gone. I can do it, I can unconsider them as my relative.

"I trust you.. Thank you, I felt relief." She hugged my arm like a baby.

I smiled a bit.

However, we still need to be so careful..

We don't know what's running in his head.

He can do it or not or I don't know.

I know we had enough, restraining how pissed and mad he is to me.

I'm ready. This my time to be happy.

I know it's not about Jennie already but, I don't care.

In our plot, love is our knight. It will save us.

I trust our fate.




Fuck GLOBE.. Ibalik mo internet connection namin😡 potangena parang di ako bumili ng BLACKPINK sim nyo ah?

Ge, naka data si author rn. -_-

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