CHAPTER 33: Can I be him?

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Jennie's PoV
Damn this! How do this life so cruel?! I don't even have any damn choice!

"Put on your seat belt." Lisa coldly said. I rolled my eyes before I aggressively put on my seat belt.

"Be careful, my car might broke." She said and started the engine.

"Why the hell did you accept it? I hate you so much!" I groaned. Like what the eff?

"Because... ah, uhm.. I-I still have conscience. Yeah." She stuttered.

"Or you just want to annoy me?" I answered. But thankfully, Luca is still here, so I can avert my attention to this annoying giant beside me.

She stopped the car. Why again?!

I didn't notice that my seat belt was twisted, and I'm so shocked on what Lisa did next.

She lean forward to me and arrange it. My eyes bulged out. The twist was on my shoulder.

As soon as her hand touches on my shoulder, I felt shiver on my body, like my spine jolted. What the fuck.

She stopped and stared at me. I unconsciously stared on her eyes.

Why do I feel that her eyes became soft?

Why do my heart beats frantically?

My hands are even shaking.

Actually.. Actually, this is the feeling that I was looking for whenever I'm with Kai. What the hell? And Why the fuck am I comparing them.

Well, it's true. There is this thing I want to feel whenever I was with Kai. It's like, I just feel some friendship between me and Kai. This arrogant gives me different vibes whenever I'm with her—except being annoyed. I mean, when her hands touches me, I feel something weird.

Weird to explain!!!!!

I was asking myself right now, am I even straight? It's a weird feeling.

Maybe it's nothing yeah nothing.

"Ehem! We still have a long ride to go? And.. you know, both of you fits each other but, sorry, I want Mommy for my buddy." We snapped out when the kid spoke. Lisa took a deep breath as soon as she sat on her seat.

I was still stunned. My heart beat isn't normal. This can't be happening!
Lisa's PoV
Earlier, I want to kiss her but.. you know..I can't.
She may be falling in love with Kai. But her stares looks different. I don't want to imagine things.

I took a deep breath before I start the engine again.

My mind is flying. I should focus on driving to keep safe.

I want to confess. I felt like that. It's been 3 weeks when I discovered my feelings and it got more deeper. The more avert my feelings, it's getting worst!

But I'm afraid to love. BUT HOW CAN I GET OUT OF THIS DAMN FEELINGS?! It's already here. I can't do anything.

Yeah. I should tell her. At least she's aware? Ah-Huh!

I think he like Kai. So.. if I confess, it's nothing to her. Right!

An hour after, we reached Daegu. Specifically, Luca's house. When I look at them, they were sleeping.

Luca was on the back seat and Jennie is on my side.

Jennie's mouth is quite open and she looks so cute. I unconsciously smiled. A genuine smile? Yeah, I can say it was a genuine smile. Geez, only Jennie did made me smile like this.

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