CHAPTER 61: Ask Jennie

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Friday night, after the practice.

They gathered on Lisa's place as what they told.

"Why here?" Lisa asked her friends.

"Told ya, we'll discuss something, coward." Seulgi smack Lisa's head.

The bottoms went out to by snacks and drinks with BamBam and Nichkun, leaving the tops on the condo.

"What is it? Is it about Jennie?" Lisa asked, sitting on the couch.

"Who else? Duh?" Jisoo answered, sarcastically.

"And also, why you are distant to us. Are you mad at us?" Jeongyeon asked, threw a throw pillow on Lisa.

"No. Just want to move on. I wasn't ready to love again. I'm damn anxious." Lisa answered in her cool way.

"There's nothing to be anxious about. Well, maybe because it was Jennie's effect on you. Or maybe you are threatened because of your cousin?" Jisoo said.

"Either." Lisa sighed.

"Well.. why would you stop? You know what? Getting hurt is part of falling in love. You thought you already risked, but nah, you're just anxious and overthinking. You always look on the negative outcome! You are damn stupid." Taehyung groaned.

Everyone was disappointed to Lisa. The latter can't do anything but to sigh.

"Lisa. Just give it a go! You know? Jennie is kinda sad, missing you." Jisoo uttered.

"She does?" Lisa smirked.

"You won't believe because you are closing your damn useless mind. I thought you were smart. Lisa, she loves you too! She's just in-denial like you, when the first time!" Seulgi jumped on Lisa.

"Lisa, we're disappointed. Seriously. Not just on you but also to ourselves. We thought we'd help you but we didn't." Jeongyeon gave a serious tone.

Lisa was silent.

"I'm glad you settled things on Somi. But surely, you're just using her."

"She knows and she's help." Lisa answered.

"Okay, then! Tell her that you won't let go of Jennie. Let's see if she could help." Taehyung challenged.

"Is it even worth it?" Lisa scoffed.

"I don't know anymore, Lisa! Do whatever you want to do. Go to your ex and hurt your love. But hey, you'll not be distant on us. If you don't, we will smash your precious car." Jisoo gave up.

"Let's end it here. The girls and the brothers as well, will be back anytime soon." Taehyung looked away.

"I'm sorry guys.. I just.. I'm not ready, I guess?" Lisa said.

"Whatever, coward. Stop convincinv yourself on a lie. Stop lying that you'll move on. Loneliness will haunt you once Kai started his goddamn plans." Jisoo threatened.

"what do you mean?" Lisa curiously asked.

"Well, I just heard from his dogs." Jisoo smirked, scaring Lisa.
Kai and his friends talked about something. And it was Kai's plan to ask Jennie fod an official relationship.

Their voice is quite loud because of excitement. And it happened that Jisoo passed by and heard it. EVERYTHING.

On Han River. A simple decoration for a simple lady. Serenade. Friends. Also Lisa, to mock her.

Kai was so confident that Jennie will say "yes".

"When?" Xiumin asked.

"I still don't know. I'll find a perfect timing and I'll tell you soon. For now, let's go. I need to cope up from the lessons." Kai said and Jisoo heard a fading footsteps away from the place.

"Lisa again? He don't love Jennie, he just want a vengeance to Lisa." Jisoo said.


Jisoo kept what she thought, even to her friends and Chaeyoung.

When? Kai, When?!

I don't know. I'll find a perfect plot and a perfect timing.😏

Happy 19.8k reads, SARANGs!!🎉

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