CHAPTER 38: 우유 순대 (Milk Sundae)

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Jennie's PoV
Where are they? Geez..

They left me here on the cafeteria! They told me that they forgot something to ask with Ms. Park. I won't buy it. If that's true, then they will let me accompany them. It's okay tho.. I feel so lazy for walking, talking or anything! All I wanna do is to eat my favorite Milk Sundae!


I turned to my back to check those couples of mine. They're still not here. But, I saw this tall arrogant monkey entering the cafe, with her blank scary face. Is she a psychopath? Or a Bipolar? It's just earlier when she's smiling, and now, look at her. She damn scary again.

She walked through the lane of students on the counter.

"Hi, Lis—." The girl didn't even finished her words when Lisa spoke.

"Get out of my way. All of you."  What the fuck. An arrogant indeed. Should I punch her? Oh god..

They were all shocked on the line but bowed sorry on Lisa and left. Lisa was now alone, buying on the counter

I furrowed my brows at Lisa who's facing back. Out of nowhere, I stood up and bravely walk through Lisa's side who's now looking for food.

Students started to whisper to one another. Well, I know that Lisa is on her bad mood, and I don't care. What she've done is wrong. She shouldn't have used her power at this school.

My mood changed when I saw the one last Milk Sundae that the waiter took from the fridge. My eyes sparked. Oh my god!!

"Here's your sundae, Ms. Manoban

Milk Sundae!!

I was about to grab it when Lisa grabbed it first.

Our eyes met abd I can see that she's really on bad mood. But I want that Sundae!

I looked to the waiter who served.

"Can I also have one?" I asked. Lisa's gaze is still on me but I'm not paying attention on her. All  I want is my sundae. But her gaze is creeping me. Geez.

"I'm sorry, Miss Kim, but that's the last Milk sundae we have." He apologized. I feel like I wanna cry. No more Milk sundae? But why.

I sighed and nodded.

In my first tep of walk, Someone grabbed my arm that made me throw my body into her body, unintentionally. And who else it is? It was Lisa.

She's still holding my arm in one hand, our bodies are so close.

I look at her hand on my arm and look up to her face.

I felt that weird freaking feeling again. The weird damn feeling. My heart is racing, like it wants to get out of my ribs. Electric shock on my spine. Butterflies on my stomach.

This is the exact sane things that I read from some romance pocket books I bought in Nee Zealand.


That's impossible. It's just happening from fairytale stories and romance fiction story. There's no way it is true..

But her scary face.. I can see it so angelic. Her plump lips that attracting everyone. Her hands that's making me shiver..

Why? Why am I telling this? Why am I thinking this shits? Tell me this is nothing. And one more thing is Kai. Kai is courting me.


I don't want him to think that I'm entertaining somebody else since he wasn't here. He will be hurt.

"Kim Jennie." I snapped out from my thoughts when Lisa called me, still on her blank face.

I shove her hand and move a step back.

"W-what do you want? W-why did you do that?" Why am I stuterring. I felt my face redden so I look away and there I saw our friends who's thrilling on our table while watching us. Teasing. The fuck..

"Here." She handed my the Milk Sundae and passed by me. I was shock. Why? I followed her by my sight with my mouth a bit opened.

She was paying the sundae that I am holding.

Another heart racing is hapoening inside my chest. I think my face is as red as tomato right now.

Why? Why, Lisa? Why am I feeling this to you?

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