CHAPTER 10: Trouble

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Jisoo's PoV

I can't believe it.. I love you? Somi? What the hell? She still have the guts?

"Lisa-yah.. are you okay?" We asked her. She became quiet after she recieved the message. And now? Here we are.. at the bar. With the girls. I mean, with Irene, Rosè, Nayeon and Jennie. Jennie's frowning.

"Yeah." Then she drunk her whiskey straightly.

"Ooh.." we mumbled. That drink is fucking hard to drink straight. It's like, it will tore your throat apart.

How did we end up accompanying her?


Lisa tapped our shoulders and looked at Jennie blankly and same goes to Jennie. We followed her and I rested my arms to her shoulder.

"Where are you going now? Are you going to meet her?" I said. Pertaining to Somi.

"No. I wanna drink." She said and gently shoved my arms from her shoulder.

What? We still have classes tomorrow.

"Lisa, we have to prepare our things tomorrow. Maybe you should drink on weekends." Nayeon said. She has a point.

"She's right." Jeongyeon said and simply rested her arms to Nayeon, and Nayeon elbowed Jeongyeon. "Ughf" Jeongyeon held her stomach and back off.

"I can drink whenever I want. Don't worry, I'll still be there." She said and ready to open her car door when Jennie held her hand.

Shk! I am cringing right now! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

"W-what?" Lisa startled and she cleard her throat.

"Are you crazy? You'll drive while you're drunk? Stupid." Jennie said.

"Why do you even care?" Lisa said and open her car door but didn't get in.

"Let's accompany her, then. I kinda miss drinking too." Irene said.

"Babe.." Seulgi.

"I'm fine. Just go home." Then she hopped inside her car and started her engine, then she got off.

"Bae Irene. You know, I'll not let you drink." Seulgi said.

"And if you'll go.. I'll go home instead of accompanying that stubborn giant." Jennie said and walked but Rosè stopped her.

"No, unnie. We should accompany her. Irene's right. I think she has a problem. She needs a person to talk to." Rosè said. She's right.

"Yeah, she has. Her ex messaged her." I elbowed Jeonyeon.

"Yah." She groaned.

"She have friends to talk to." Jennie.

"She became our friend too, unnie." Rosè.

"Ah, jinjja? I didn't know that. Then, go, accompany your friend. I'll get going." Jennie.

"Okay, fine. I'll not drink. Let's just accompany Lisa. Somi really broke our friend.." Irene said to her girlfriend.

"Yah. Jisoo and I will follow Lisa. Then is the four of you already done, we'll just text you the place. Arasso?" Jeongyeon suggested and they nodded.

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