CHAPTER 20: Stay away

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I have some important information to share to you below. Read it...

Jennie's PoV

The Manoban borther's surprise went well. And it's monday again.

And I'm already at the school, waiting for the others. Specifically on the study Lounge.

"Hey, Jen.." It was Kai. My eyes widened and looked around. Dad might see us. I don't want to betray him again. ㅠㅡㅠ

"H-hey.. uh, I'm sorry about yesterday.." I said. He nodded. I'm thankful that he understand.

"I can still court you, right?" He hopefully asked. I swallowed a lump and looked around again.

I sighed. "I.. I basically don't know. Dad got mad when he knew that you're courting me." I said on a low voice.

"Everybody hates me. HAHAHAHAHA!" I'm shocked on what he said. I didn't answered because I don't know how to answer that statement

"Please, Jennie. Give me a chance. I really am changing. I really meant what I said to you about my feelings." He sounds like begging.

"...I know. But I don't want to betray my Dad. I can't sleep at night when Dad is mad at me, Kai. I hope you understand.. It's not that I don't want you to court me, I'm just thinking about my relationship with my father." I said. Guess what he did next..

He just knelt down.

"Jennie, please.."

"Kai! Stand up!" I groaned and looked around. Some students are gossiping so I face palmed myself. Oh god, I don't want any teouble with my father.

"Jennie.." he continued in begging.


I pulled him up.

"Fine! Fine... Just.. Just not now, okay? Let's cool down everything to my Dad first, okay?" I said. I'm getting crazy. What decision did I just made?

"Thank you, Jennie. Thank you.." he hugged me. I clenched my eyes and sighed.

"Kai's another toy.."

"Kai's not letting it pass even his toy have the power on the school. Haay! I pity Jennie Unnie."

A lots of gossips.

"Don't listen to them." He pulled out.

"Jendeuk!" Someone called and my brows furrowed. This is trouble.

My friends came. Their smiles dropped when they saw Kai. Kai waved at them with a full smile. My friends bobbed their heads and looked away.

"Let's go, Kim Jennie." Nayeon pulled my arms.

"Yah! Careful!" Kai shouted. Nayeon gave him a rolled eyes. Bitch.

"What was that, Jennie?" Irene asked.

"I told him to stop from courting me but he doesn't want. So I told him that we should let the issue to my father cool down and I'll.. I'll let him to court me again—" They scoffed.

"Our pace and your dad's pace met earlier.." I felt nervousness when Lisa said that.

"He told us to guard you away from Kai. So stay away from him before I report this to him." She continued with her unreadable blank expression and she lead our way to our room.

"Your friend is jealous. Better follow her." Jisoo smirked. And they walked.

Why would she?

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