CHAPTER 66: Kiss

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Jennie's PoV
Lisa is confusing me, making me crazy. All my thoughts are silly. Lisa loves me.

I.. love her too? I don't know what to do. The sincere love I was looking, it was on Lisa.

I'm worried about Kai. He's efforts.

And hey, Kai and Lisa are cousins.

Lisa drank quietly and had slept. Me and Somi remained.

"Soon, you'll think about her 24/365" she spoke again, adding the confusion on my damn head.

"All of you are making me crazy."

"Nah, both of you are coward." Somi scoffed.

"Just reminding you, Jennie." Somi added.

"You're playing hide and seek without a seeker. In short, you're both so dumb." We heard Irene. Oh, she was good.

"Just took a nap, I slept late last night." She added. Well, she didn't drink at all, Seulgi didn't let her.

I went silent.

What if they were right?

I have to think about it.

"It'll take time, since it's your first time falling in love. Maybe, Lisa was destined to be your first. We got your back." Irene added again

I drank.

"Gosh, chill! We have classes, Jennie." Somi grabbed my bottle.

"Chill out, Lisa might blow a jab on Kai for letting you drank. I'm serious." Somi chuckled.

"Oh, yeah! I remembered that! HAHAHA! When your classmate in Medicine asked for a drink then Lisa was late and saw you drank, she punched your classmate! Geez! So protective!" Irene and Somi laughed.

She's that protective? Somi's lucky.

"C'mon, speak up. What's your point of view?" Irene wiggled her brows.

"I'm still confused."

"Damn, you are not. Just in denial." Irene.

"I've been telling that to her since earlier." Somi grabbed the lollipop on Lisa's mouth and showed it Jennie.

"This is the lollipop you made her buy, eh? She's close on having toothache just to avoid vaping, just like what you've told." Somi sucked the lollipop.

Hey! Sometimes she's making my blood boil.

"So obssesed. Chill, Kim Jendeuk. The night is long. It's bad to keep anger." Irene and Somi laughed.

I've confirmed. Coward, yes both of us are.

She's traumatized and I'm a first timer.

I sighed.

We spent another hour in talking. They've slapped me into reality.

Everyone was knocked out, we had the hard time taking home the others.

Lastly, Lisa and Kai was left.

"I'll drop Kai." Somi insisted.


"You don't know his address, do you?" Somi asked then pulled Kai like a heavy sack, he'll have some scratch.

"Instead, you know Lisa's. So drive her." Somi added then exits.

I look on Lisa. She's adorable, like an innocent lady.

I'd smiled, then woke her up.

"Lisa? Hey." I shook her.

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