CHAPTER 37: He knows

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Third Person's PoV
The class was going.. All of them are focused, especially Lisa. While Jennie is taking some glimpse to the tall girl. Lisa was totally weird for the whole class, all the students who saw her moves.

While, Chanyeol and Baekhyun are having an eye of Lisa who's having her blank face again, so obvious that she's just trying to get back her happy, joyful and thoughtful self so someone will love her back.

The adviser already notified the students about Kai's absence..

Few hours have been passed and Lisa was so active on recitations that amazed everyone, most likely Jennie. Lisa nhas never been this active since she cane back. Everybody know that. This is a very weird day for all of them.

"Class dismiss. You may have your 30 minutes break now." Ms. Park said as the bell rang. A knock on the door made the students on the room look outside to check, as well as Ms. Dara.

"Hi! May I excuse my future?" Mr. Kwon jokingly said. Kwon Ji-yong, also known as Mr. G-Dragon of the Music class.

The students felt the thrill. So sweet to his fiancè.

Lisa looked at them disgustingly. Bitter.

"Bye, class! Enjoy your break!" Ms. Park happily said and walked out of the room with Mr. G-dragon.

"Enjoy your time too. 2 rounds is enough, lower down your voice.." Lisa joked that made all of them laugh.

Lisa looked at Jennie who's laughing. Jennie also did while wiping her tears because of too much on laughing. Lisa smiled. Like an idiot.

The tall monkey walk through Jennie's pace that made Jennie raise a brow. Lisa patted Jennie's head like a kid and smiled beofre leaving the room. Jennie felt an weird feeling. She's even blushing.

"Is it JenLisa already?" One of their classmates asked.

"Soon!" Jeongyeon answered and Nayeon laughed. Seulgi, Irene, Chaeyoung, Jisoo and Jennie are still clueless about Lisa.

"You wish!" Jennie said like a bitch. Well, she's really a bitch. Ehee..

Jennie is still blushing that made Chanyeol and Baekhyun leave the room to call their friend, Kai.

The two guys went at the back of their building.

"What the fuck was that?" Baekhyun asked in disbelief.

"I told you, Lisa is taking advantage if the situation. If we will not tell this to Kai, sooner or later, Jennie will fall to Lisa. You know Lisa, she have this charisma that everyone can fall, whatever gender it is." Chanyeol said and get his phone to call their friend.

A few rings and Kai answered.


"Dude, your cousin is taking advantage of the situation. She's starting her moves—."

["I knew it.. I knew it will happen."]

"What you gonna do?"

["Keep an eye on them.. Lisa's friends, Jennie and most, Lisa. I'll call you every afternoon to get an update... I'll go now, the doctor is here."]

They ended the call. The two decided to have their snack but...


"A dog is scared to a monkey, then?" Lisa sarcastically said and smirked. Her face became scary after that smirk, like a psychopath.


"I won't repeat it again for someone who have lower IQ. I won't waste my time. Bye.." she left a scary face before leaving.

The two guys' blood boiled instead of getting scared. She's too arrogant, they thought..


Thank you so nuch for appreciating, guys! Someone messaged me here on Wattpad and I'm so happy that he/she appreciated my story! Thank you so much!

#4.51k reads!
#no.1 in balckpink
#wrong spelling yung hashtag pero nag no.1

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