CHAPTER 57: Jennie knows

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In the Morning, Lisa came with her not so good mood. Her head was badly aching because they drank until 12:00AM, additionally, Lisa drank until 3:00AM. Totally wasted.

"Hey, careful, Lis. Are you okay?" A student asked. Lisa bumped on her, she was dizzy.

"I'm sorry. Yeah, I'm fine." Lisa answered and continued walking.

"Lisa. What's up?" Seulgi approached.

"Hey, what happened to you?" Jennie worriedly asked.

"I'm fine.. ah, shit! My head. Oh, damn." Lisa groaned and shook her head.

"You're damn intoxicated!" Jennie scolded and kicked Lisa's leg.

"Yah!" Lisa winced. The others laugh.

Jennie is like Lisa's girfriend who's mad and worried because of her girlfriend.

"Chill out, Jendeuk. Don't you pity her?" Nayeon mocked and laugh again.

Jisoo then said her favorite phrase. "That's a pity!" She said.

Lisa stood up, avoiding Jennie's gaze. The others noticed it so they went first.

"Ah! Babe, I want something on the cafeteria. Hey, Lisa, Jen. We'll get back here later." Chaeyoung lied and pulled the others away.

"Let's wait at the bench." Lisa guided Jennie to the bench.

They're silent.

"Uhm, Lis. About last night--"

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. Somi might put her anger on you but don't worry. I'll be with you." Lisa cuts. Still avoiding Jennie's gaze.

"Lisa.. please, don't lie." Jennie held the latter's shoulder.

"L-lie about what." Lisa was nervous.

"What do you feel about me?" Jennie asked softly.

Lisa's heart was racing. Her headache have gotten worse but she seems nothing to feel because on nervousness.

"I feel about y-you--?"

"They already told me that you Love me." Jennie cuts.
Nayeon's PoV
I think we should tell our partners already.

"Uhm.. Babe." I cling on Jeongyeon's arm.

"Yes? You want something?" She asked.

I look on Irene and Chaeyoung.

"We want to tell something." I said on my low tone. Irene and Chaeyoung sighed.

"Hmm?" Jeongyeon asked. We stop on the cafeteria's corner.

Jennie told us what happened earlier and our bloods boiled.

Our partners and Taehyung left to go to Lisa. It's just the bottoms here.

How pathetic is that Somi?! She's beyond pathetic than we expected! She's a total slut!

And Lisa? She's damn stupid! She ate what she have said! If I were her, I wouldn't pull back what I have just said. That's her fucking time to Jennie how she feel! Kai might pop up anytime! Like, duh?

I should take a move. I mean, we.

"Jen, what if Lisa didn't said that because she don't want Somi to bother her anymore?" I askes with a racing heart.

Irene and Chaeyoung was shock and sending me some signal but I didn't care. I don't know what to think anymore. I'm so disappointed to Lisa.

"What? She've cleared it." Oh god. She's also dumb!

"Jennie, until when will you act dumb?" Chaeyoung uttered. Now, she shook me.

What the hell are you doing.

"What are you talking about. Chaeng, she cleared it. She just told thay bec--"

"Jennie, Lisa really do love you! She just covered it up because she was anxious!" Irene continued that made me literally facepalm myself.

"What?" Jennie furrowed her brows.

End of Flashback

"And yeah, we tried to cover it up but Jennie insisted to know. We couldn't do anything." I ended.

"Oh, crap." Jisoo facepalmed herself.

"Sorry." We hugged our tops.

"It's fine. At least, Jennie is already aware. But, we're not sure on what will Lisa do to us if she find out." Seulgi said.


Lisa, please don't kill us. I'm damn gorgeous to die early.


Hay nako, Nayeon! Pano ka kaya natitiis ni Jeongyeon? HAHAHAHAHAHA!

SEPTEMBER 10 2021, 12:00NN
(11:00AM palang maghintay na tayo)


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