Jimmy Uso

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You five make it to the next store and Trinity and Wade are following you around as Jimmy carry's Kristina around the store as you hold Jaiden and Jayla hands, Jimmy gets tired of them following you all around as he hands you Kristina and goes over and ask them to stop as Wade laughs at Jimmy and Jimmy shakes his head at them, Wade brother, don't test me, you and Trinity don't hang out why now and why are you following me and my family it's pissing me off, as Wade smiles jimmy people change and me and Trinity have become close and your family my ass Ashley and Kristina are my family your just a placeholder, as jimmy laughs and then knocks wade out before walking back to you all.

You know HHH isn't going to be happy about this but you called him as soon as Wade and Trinity started follow you all today, so Jimmy is covered, Trinity and Wade not so much. As the kids go look at costumes for the party, jimmy shakes his head "mother fing dick me a placeholder as if, I'm Kristina dad not him he was just a damn sperm donor" as you look at him "Jimmy calm down, Kristina only knows you as her daddy and Jayla and Jaiden as her siblings" as he smiles at you "I'm calling hunter and I'm going down to nxt and calling that dick out of retirement he is going into the Uso penitentiary next Wednesday" as you smile "jimmy uso no I love you and only you, you don't have to prove you can beat Wade I know you can Ill seen it, just relaxing please let the kids find there costumes then we can head home to your place" as he shakes his head agreeing to it. As he looks around and sees Jayla and Kristina with their princess dresses and then Jaiden comes out with a prince outfit as he smiles big.

You know Wade will not cause problems because they would get in trouble for following you all, he will just have a reminder to not fuck with Jimmy Uso as Jimmy takes the costumes and pays for them as you all head to the SUV and home to his place, your mom is meeting your Aunt for some drinks so you and Kristina are staying at jimmy's tonight. And in two days it's Kristina birthday party then Friday night is work. As Kristina kisses jimmy's cheek for protective her, you and Jayla and Jaiden against that bad man and woman today as jimmy laughs and says "princess I'll always protective you all" as you smile big at him as you all head to his house for the night.

To be continued in a few days... Jimmy again then Jey!!!!

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