Jungle Boy

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Continues: after your break with Brandi you head back to your office to finish up the night you have a couple more small nothing major injury's, Jack comes back by he is by himself and he is shirtless, he is in Black sweats and He looks amazing,

As you look up and see him and you also lose it because he looks so handsome, he is in amazing shape, as he smiles at you "Ella I was wondering if you could check out my back Noah said I had a black and blue place on it, it's probably from my fall...

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As you look up and see him and you also lose it because he looks so handsome, he is in amazing shape, as he smiles at you "Ella I was wondering if you could check out my back Noah said I had a black and blue place on it, it's probably from my fall in the match early" as you nod your head and grab you some gloves and tell him to seat down on the exam table with his back towards you as he smiles and does what you say, as you look at his back and see the Black and blue place and touch it "does it hurt Jack? As he says "nah Noah said it looked nasty? As you smile "yeah it's bad looking but if you say it's not hurting, you should be alright, just take a Tylenol, it will turn purple green and yellow before it gets better you know" as he nods his head. As you go your cabinet and get him some lotion as you hand it to him "this will help with the soreness if it happens to come" as he smiles at you "you going to come to my place and put it on if I need it applied? As you smile at him " as you smile at him "are you flirting with me Jack Perry" as he smirks "nah Ella I just saying if I need assistance with this lotion would you come help me out because your a doctor and you give it to me" as you giggle.

He smiles and continued to seats there but turns around on the table, looking at you, looking you up and down his eyes go to your forearm and he sees something that catches his attention, it's a tattoo,

He smiles and continued to seats there but turns around on the table, looking at you, looking you up and down his eyes go to your forearm and he sees something that catches his attention, it's a tattoo,

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And it's in memorial of his dad it's got his name and the day he died, As he smiles big. "You were my dad's favorite" as you giggle at his comment "I loved your dad and I miss him very much" as Jack smiles and grabs your hand and brings it to his lips. "So i need your number? As you giggle and he grabs his phone from his back pocket and goes to his contacts and puts all your information in but a picture he will get one tomorrow. As you smile and he says "I'll text you tomorrow morning when we are heading your way" as you nod your head at him as he heads out of your office and back to the guys locker-room.

A little bit later you are in your Jeep head home to your apartment complex, you had an very good night on AEW Dynamite, a few minutes go by and you pull in the parking lot for your apartment complex and in your spot for your apartment, you head upstairs to apartment, as soon get inside you close the door and strip down your scrubs and your in your underwear only,

A little bit later you are in your Jeep head home to your apartment complex, you had an very good night on AEW Dynamite, a few minutes go by and you pull in the parking lot for your apartment complex and in your spot for your apartment, you head u...

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And yes your in good shape, when you started working for Aew you starting working out with Brandi, but before you worked out, ate right and healthy. As you pick up your scrubs and walk to your bedroom, as you drop them in the hamper and turn on the tv and crawl in your bed. Your phone goes off and it's a text from a number your don't got saved so you open and it's says "my snow princess ella it's Jack" as you smile at the phone and save his information to a contract and you will get a picture of him tomorrow too. As you two send text messages back and forth for little bit, you are laying down in your bed watching tv not paying attention, your texting Jack As he texts you "what you are doing besides texting him? As you giggle and text back "nothing you were going to watch tv but decided not to, it's just on the main screen" as he sends you a 😂, I understand, Im laying down in my bed texting you" as you two continue to text each other for a little bit longer then it's time to turn in. So you two say your Goodnight to each other and turn in.

Next morning you are up and getting ready for your day with Jack, Noah and Austin at universal studios,

Next morning you are up and getting ready for your day with Jack, Noah and Austin at universal studios,

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Then your phone goes off and it's Jack letting you know they are on their way to your apartment complex building be there in soon, as you smile and send him a smiley face back and grab your bag and head downstairs to your lobby and wait for them t...

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Then your phone goes off and it's Jack letting you know they are on their way to your apartment complex building be there in soon, as you smile and send him a smiley face back and grab your bag and head downstairs to your lobby and wait for them to arrive you got your water bottle full of pink energy water mix with you as you find a seat and put your sunglasses on your Head grabbing your earbuds and putting one In your right ear and connecting to your phone and finding your fun music mix as you wait for them. And it doesn't take them long, Jack sends Noah in to get you as you laugh and he waves at you as you wave back and get up and walk over to him as he wraps his arm around your waist and you two walk out front and Jack standing by the car waiting for you two and he laughs because everyone is taller then Noah even you but not by much, your a short shit too, as you see Jack laughing and you know it's because of your and Noah's height as Noah let's go of your waist and goes around to get in the front seat with Austin as you walk up to Jack who smiles and kisses your forehead "hi my snow princess" as you smile "hi Jack Perry" as he helps you in the back seat then gets in himself then Austin says hi and you say hi back then he starts to drive to the park.

To be continued!!!!

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