Orange Cassidy

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Continued After Your First Date: after the show ended Cassidy came close to beating Kenny Omega and Pac for the Aew Heavyweight Championship then head to find you because Chuck and Trent, you are in your locker-room on your phone,

Continued After Your First Date: after the show ended Cassidy came close to beating Kenny Omega and Pac for the Aew Heavyweight Championship then head to find you because Chuck and Trent, you are in your locker-room on your phone,

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Texting Dustin about your training session tomorrow afternoon with Blade, Allie as Cassidy knocks on the door and you get up and open it and let him in as you text Dustin know you will see him tomorrow afternoon around 12

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Texting Dustin about your training session tomorrow afternoon with Blade, Allie as Cassidy knocks on the door and you get up and open it and let him in as you text Dustin know you will see him tomorrow afternoon around 12. Then you look at Cassidy who smiles at you "Liv Chuck said Early him and Trent saw Kris with you in the cafeteria and then after your talk, you looked upset, what did Kris said to you? As you look at him "The Truth Cassidy, she put everything in light, but you did very good tonight, almost won" as he smiles at you "thanks Liv I'm proud of my match, but what do you mean she said the truth about what exactly? But it got you upset" as you look up at him "I don't want to talk about it right now Cassidy and I was upset for a few minutes early then it passed" as he seats down next to you on your couch and grabs your chin and makes your look at him "hey liv please tell me what Kris said to you, we are friends right? As you look at him "are we Cassidy I'm not your type, we have nothing in common really you are just being nice towards me be real" as he looks at you in complete shock "Liv is that what Kris said to you? As you nod your head "in all words yes she said I needed to look in the mirror because im not your time and I need to get ready because sooner then later you will see the real me and push me away and find someone more your speed" as he shakes his head "Liv listen to me closely, Kris says this shit because she wants me but I don't want her that way I want you I thought I made that obvious on our date today" as you smile at him "wait you know about her feelings towards you? As he nods his head "oh yeah when we started working here she wasn't obvious about it, but I told her I didn't have feels for her like that I just wanted to be her friend I know she didn't like that to much but I don't care" as you giggle. And he smiles "so you are training tomorrow with Dustin, Allie and Blade? As you nod your head "yep here around noon there is group, us four, Plus Sonny Kiss and Joey Janela and Anna Jay you should join us and ask Chuck and Trent but please don't ask Kris, she doesn't like me Cassidy but she really likes you" as he laughs and nods his head "I'll call the guys in the morning and ask them both and I promise not to ask Kris and make them promise not to ask her either, but understand I like you not her that way" as you smile big and he winks and leans back "I also like your hair like this, did the hairdresser do it after the show? As you nod your head "yeah Elizabeth did it after the show ended she knows I have training tomorrow and it's easy to train in" As he smiles at you.

As you two talk for a bit then he promises he will see you tomorrow around noon for this training with Dustin as you smile at him and you two leave the arena, you go early he has go back to his locker-room to get his bags then he leaves and he calls Chuck and Trent and asks if they them to want to seat in on Dustin's training class tomorrow at lunch as both Chuck and Trent agree to be there, as Cassidy tells them both to not say anything to Kris through she upset you and come next week he is going to have a seat down with her about her behavior of late" as Chuck and Trent understand completely and promise to not saying anything about tomorrow's scheduling and planning" as they hang up and he makes it home to his home and turns in for the night, and you do the same thing, next morning you are up getting ready to head to the arena for your training session with the group,

As you two talk for a bit then he promises he will see you tomorrow around noon for this training with Dustin as you smile at him and you two leave the arena, you go early he has go back to his locker-room to get his bags then he leaves and he cal...

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After you leave your house and on your way there towards the arena, you will stop by Smoothie King and get yourself A Stay Slim Blend Lean1 in Chocolate, then after you get that you continue to the Arena and when you arrive there Dustin, Sonny, Jo...

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After you leave your house and on your way there towards the arena, you will stop by Smoothie King and get yourself A Stay Slim Blend Lean1 in Chocolate, then after you get that you continue to the Arena and when you arrive there Dustin, Sonny, Joey Anna, Jungle Boy and Marko decided to come today because of Anna. We are waiting on Allie and Blade, you let Dustin know you invited Cassidy and Chuck and Trent and they should be here in a few minutes as he nods his head when he pulled in the parking lot and says he got a call from Blade him and Allie are on there way too so we will wait for them then start, as everyone agrees as you are talking to Sonny and Joey when Cassidy, Chuck and Trent come in and down the ramp as joey laughs "oh my god you three like making a late entrance don't you" as Trent laughs "us never, we always on time" as you start to laugh "okay best friends your late besides Allie and Blade but today they have beat by a couple minutes because they just walk in" as Trent looks at Chuck then Cassidy and laughs as Dustin calls everyone over to the ring and the class starts. You practice with either Allie, Anna or Sonny because Sonny likes fighting with the girls more then the guys.

To be continued!!!!!

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